
Question for muslims ,What is konday which r celebrated on 22 Rajab ?

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  1. It is bidaa

  2. i think it's A Shiaism religion thing  they celebrate many days of the year

    but I'm not sure about it (22 Rajb)

    In Islam we have Only Two eids

    Shiaism is not Islam , Islam is not shiaism

  3. kunday are in the month of Rajab before the month of Shaaban thats before Ramzan. Refer to the link below........ALL THAT YOU NEED!

    The NAZR of the 22nd day of the glorious month of Rajab is done as a result of this love for the holy Ahlul Bayt (may our salams and Allah peace be unto them all).

    There is a Hadeeth attributed to our sixth Imam, Imam Jafar Sadiq (as). Once the Imam was walking in the streets of Madinah with some of his companions. He suddenly stopped and looked to his companions and inquired about the date. They all said that that was the 22nd day of Rajab. The Imam then said: "If anyone of you is facing a difficulty of any kind in this world, you should prepare some sweets and set them up in a clay pot (Koonday in Urdu) and dedicate that in a Nazr to my person. You should then pray to your Lord using my WASEELA. Allah will, if He wills, remove your difficulty. However, if your problem is not resolved then you would come to me on the Day of Judgement and complain to me."

  4. I am a s**+'a too....I have never heard of any such thing as koonday or so. And nor do we celebrate anything on 22 Rajab....

  5. We are Muslims and we only celebrate two Eids

  6. you better customize the qn and ask only Shia, seems this day is new since their 6th Imam created a celebration on this day.

  7. What?

  8. 22 Rajab Koonday Nazr is taking of spiritual vow.

    Nazr is not a wajib act in Islam, rather done when a Muslim feels need for a wish to be granted by ALLAH(SWT).

    Example: for recovery of children illness, the mother fulfilling the vow, will do fasting.

    Abdul Muttalib, Prophet's Muhammad(SAW) grandfather took the vow-nazr, to dig up the well of ZamZam which had been buried by sand.

    Imam Jafar Sadiq(AS) said when in difficulty put some sweets in a clay pot (koonday in Urdu) pray and ALLAH(SWT) wiling the difficulty will be removed.

  9. On 22 Rajab, Koonday (table cloth dinner) is organized by s**+'a muslims and non Salafi Sunni Muslims. It is an occasion for Muslims to discuss Allah and the Holy Ahlul Bayt and to strengthen ties among the community with love and compassion. This tradition is more common among the Muslims of South Asia. It is reported to be a practice instructed by 6th Imam Jafar as-Sadiq.Also it is the Death Anniversary of Caliph Ameer Muawia.

  10. It's not an Islamic holiday. Rather, it's a Shia event:

    There is a "Hadeeth" attributed to the sixth Shia Imam, Imam Jafar Sadiq. Once the Imam was walking in the streets of Madinah with some of his companions. He suddenly stopped and looked to his companions and inquired about the date. They all said that that was the 22nd day of Rajab. The Imam then said: "If anyone of you is facing a difficulty of any kind in this world, you should prepare some sweets and set them up in a clay pot (Koonday in Urdu) and dedicate that in a Nazr to my person. You should then pray to your Lord using my "Waseela". Allah will, if He wills, remove your difficulty. However, if your problem is not resolved then you would come to me on the Day of Judgement and complain to me."

  11. The day of Rajab 22 is attributed to the Shia Muslim's 6th Imam.  Imam jafar (AS) told his companions that those who want to improve their earnings, should cook some sweet this day in the name of God and this is referred to as 'kunday'.  It has nothing to do with the two Eids.

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