
Question for normal teens?

by Guest61758  |  earlier

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im a rockerfella as u know if u heard of my family u know im filthy rich mty pernts have over 100 billion i never had anything undre 20 million i have everything at 18 how do u normal no having money bom teens cope whit ur life whit no money




  1. If you're so rich, how come they couldn't afford teachers to help you spell?

    Get back to class before you fail at everything else.

    Edit ~ Isn't it funny how NO ONE believes you?!


    Quit playing neopets and get back to class.

  2. too bad they didn't use some of those billions to get you a proper tutor so you can write clearly.

    Tell you what, move away from home, get a job at MickyD's or something & find out what it's like without bothering us!!

    Or better yet--get a life & stop pretending.

  3. Well normal teens seem to cope quite well.  Most have the benefit of a good education and many excel at spelling and grammer.

    best of luck to you!

    P.S.  I have heard of the Rockefeller family in the United States, but not the Rockerfella family.

  4. did u no the richest guy in the world is under or around 50 billion

  5. Ummm... Obviously you don't have enough money to pay for a spelling lesson. Even I can afford a spelling lesson. Lol. Yeah, something tells me someone with 100 billion dollars is gonna act a bit more proper then YOU. Your lying needs work as well. (Although you shouldn't lie anyway) Nice try.

  6. It's true then ~ money can't by class?

    Or in your case, classes (in writing and spelling, for example).

    Cheers :-)

  7. appreciating the wonderful gifts of life that aren't material.  family, love.  i love shopping, but i focus more on the people around me than the things around me.

  8. Hahaha!

    I have heard of the Rockefellers but not the rockefellas...dum ***

  9. "Infinity": No matter how bad his grammar, way to go on the stereotyping.

  10. Let me guess: you're a very unfortunate inner-city youth, and you're probably using a computer at the library because you can't afford your own. You're a bad liar.

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