
Question for other other swimmers about butterfly.?

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Okay. so here's the thing. I just got qualified for my AWSI and my bronze medallion. this fall, i'm going to start my bronze cross and my WSI. my problem is that, before i took my AWSI no one had ever taught me the butterfly stroke. I'd never even herd of it before then, so imaging my shock when I found out that i had to learn another entirely new stroke! My teacher was nice about it and took me to the side to show me how to do it, when to take breaths and ect. I know the basic HOW to do it now, but actually DOING it is something totally different.

My question:

Can someone (who actually knows what they're talking about) please break it down and go over the steps one more time(for the arms, for the legs and then together)? I also need to know some good drills to practice piecing it together before i attempt to get my WSI and NLS later on. And one more thing. is there a good website or Youtube clip that actually SHOW how it's done? If you know one please tell me. =)

I know i'm asking alot but i REALLY need to learn this. thanks so much in advance.

P.s. If you don't know what AWSI, WSI, and/or NLS stand for, I don't think that you have the answer i want. Thanks anyway.




  1. okay i swim for fc gold I'm number 6 in sugar land texas at fly its very hard to teach you how to do it but watch these videos i sucked at butterfly and than i watch all of these videos and i really got better true story okay go to you tube type in "how to do the butterfly stroke" and listen to it very carefully 3 or 4 times get to your pool and practice  

  2. Here goes.  First, practice dolphining.  Press down with the chest, then down with the belly.  This will cause you to "dolphin".  After you have mastered that, move on to underwater pulling drills.  Arms extended, do the underwater pull under the body and stop... You will lift forward and up...stop....return to arms extended.  Repeat...and repeat.  Then move on to a drill....5 beat count...arms extended, dolphin 3 x and on beat four, do the underwater pull only to the hips while also lifting forward and low with the head to breathe.  Beat five is finishing the pull to the hips while diving down with the chest and hands to scoop out of the water.  NO KICK....return the hands to an extended streamline state...repeat.  Fly is done from the hips, with arm work done underwater....(The above arms rolling around to the front is recovery only)  Dolphining and the kick incorporated is key.  Fly has a 2 beat kick.  Think of it as pull and kick, kick, repeat.  Fly is done best by swimming "downhill"...not uphill and circling the water with your arms.  The hands finish with your wrists locked and flexed in a near 90 degree angle.  Then they sweep across the water and around.  With the wrists flexed, mind you.  They do not scoop up and over.  This is the sign of a bad Flyer.   Good luck with your WSI training!  

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