
Question for other preemie parents?

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My 29 weeker is now 13 months old (11 adjusted) and she is just starting to take steps towards walking. (doing a great job with her therapist helping!) However, she still does not have any teeth. I see them under the gum, just wanting to pop out, but have not yet.

Just curious to when other preemies teeth have come out. Thanks!




  1. My first preemie got his first tooth at 13 months and the second preemie got his at 15 months.  Both got the bottom ones first and both got two in one week.  My preemies are ages 17 and 13 and both have beautiful teeth and neither has ever had a cavity yet.

  2. I am pretty sure my daughter did around her first birthday (she was a 31 weeker)

  3. My 23 weeker son's teeth erupted at 12 months adjusted. Right before that I was thinking maybe he was going to be toothless in Kindergarten! (Both his dad and I had a full mouth of teeth at a year.) At first just one on the bottom, then one on the top. We took him to the dentist who checked his gums and said that his gum bumps looked good, and his teeth were late even considering he was a preemie. My son would get a few teeth in, then nothing for a long time, then a few more, etc.

    He's a teen now and his baby teeth fell out and his adult teeth came in right on time according to the chart the dentist gave us. They weren't delayed like when he was a baby.

    Also, I thought there was no way his adult teeth would fit where his baby teeth were, his baby teeth were very tight. But his jaw grew and his adult teeth came in nicely. In fact, he didn't need one tooth pulled for his braces. His teeth are actually quite nice looking and healthy, the braces are to help align his bite on the side and he has a slight overbite, probably from 3.5 months on the vent.

    I think it might have been a good thing that his teeth erupted late, it gave him more time to take in calcium -- he had very serious calcium depletion in the nicu due to diuretics. I thought for sure he would have terrible teeth.

  4. I was late and my first tooth came in when I was 18 months!!!!! Don't worry at all.... I set a record

    (still standing) at my pediatrician!!!!! Don't worry I am completely on schedule with my teeth but I am getting spacer, braces, headgear, and have to get my wisdom teeth pulled!!!!

    Don't Worry!!!!!

  5. Teeth timing is a genetic thing and is not affected by term of birth.  One of my kids was a premie and he started getting teeth at 6 months and had a mouth full at 1 year, very fast

    Daughter was full term at started getting them after 1st birthday, still getting them

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