
Question for our American Friends, what exactly is Labour Day?

by  |  earlier

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Being British, and due to the fact we don't celebrate it, I've always wanted to know this: What is Labour Day?

I'm just interested in knowing why you celebrate this day. is it the American version of a Bank Holiday or something?




  1. Looking at other's answers, I am gobsmacked. I thought it was just another day to have a good right p**s up, and of course to outdo the Frogs.

    Blast me for my right ignorance in the matter.

  2. It is just another day and here in Alaska The police will be stopping cars at random for DUI.  Keep insurance papers in the glove compartment.

  3. Most people just know it's a paid day off with no mail service and the banks and libraries are closed

  4. It's like your May Day.

    Most people just know it's a paid day off with no mail service and the banks and libraries are closed.

    I'd bet money that 90% of us couldn't tell you why we celebrate it without looking it up. We know what Fourth of July is because it's pounded in our heads and Veteran's day because, um, it's in the title.

    I'm just being honest.

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