
Question for parents? Let us grow up!?

by  |  earlier

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why do u need to know that you have a little baby at home,,, cant you guys just let us grow up? i head all these questions here,,, and i am simply discusted by those parents who wont let ther 12 13 14 year olds go outside by themselves,,, i hate it! and it dosent matter how u were raised,,, just let us grow UP! what do u think about this and why,,, and if u giv the bad neighborhood, then wat makes it a worse chance 4 u to take ur teen everywhere,,, i dont get it




  1. Start reading the 'crime' section of and, and you'll understand.

  2. it sounds like you are having a problem with your own parents. not the parents on yahoo answers.

    if they have a hard time letting you go, then you probably need to deal with it until you are old enough to make decisions for yourself. but it doesn't ever hurt to ask your parents why they are doing something. there might be something you can do to make it better or compromise-mabey they don't trust you?? they are scared?? etc.

    and actually, i have answered questions on here repeatedly for a while now and have never seen a question about letting a 12, 13, 14 year old go outside alone. sounds like your parents are a little overprotective but i think there is a good reason.

  3. When u have your own kids u can do what u like and until then and only then will u understand what if feels like to be a parent.

    its like wearing your heart outside your body for the rest of your life.

  4. when you are older and have daughters of your own, you will completely understand. it's a crazy world and kids are being taken from anywhere, their front yards, neighbors, where ever and then being molested and raped and murdered!! we are just looking out for our kids... you'll understand someday!

  5. Thank God someone sees my point ,by that time they already made up who they want to be.If they want to live they will sneak out anyway.

  6. I’m sorry, when you have a job and pay your own way, THEN you can tell me as a parent what I can and cannot do in regards to your life. Otherwise, there’s a reason behind why we do what we do as parents. I remember being your age and HATING my parents for not letting me go to the party that everyone was going to. But ya know what? We were underage, partying, drinking, cops showed up, people got arrested….

    Okay so maybe that’s not you now, but give it time. It happens. I’m far from naïve, I’m 25 yrs old and well aware that times have changed since I was a kid. And I do NOT mean for the better.

    BTW, Do you go to school? Do you study English? Just curious...maybe you should go do some homework. No particular reason why...

  7. I can't speak for the other answerer's as our eldest is only 6, but 12, 13  and 14 year olds are STILL CHILDREN.

    You have the rest of your life to be adults, so just be children for a while. Please!  

  8. Well you bacsically said it- its not just one or two parents that are 'not allowing' there children to do as they want- its a common thing which is saying something about the way our world is changing- for the worse!

    Everytime a child leaves the house a parent cant help but worry that something bad will happen - and why wouldnt they? When so many children are being taken, raped and other disgusting things! Its horrible to think that this could possibly happen to your own child! And it doesnt matter WHERE you live... it can happen anywhere.

    When you have your own children i would hope that you would try to protect them from such things from happening to the best of your ability... and this will probably mean not letting them roam the streets whenever they want!  

    I am not a parent- yet but only have 5 weeks to go! And i will assure you that i will keep a very close eye on where my son is, and what he does at all times... i could think of nothing worse than losing him at all!

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