My daughter has been getting yellow & red lights in school over the past year, about once a week and it is slowly increasing. She has been cited for too much talking, not listening, not following directions, hitting other children, spitting on other children and also one occassion in a child's food at lunchtime, kicking a child at rest time, & repeatedly disrupting the class & distracting other students. Her father & I are at our wit's end. We have taken priveledges away & threatened her with punishments. I have done positive reinforcement with a sticker chart for the month. We have had 2 meetings with her teacher and vice principal. She has yet to stop with the behavior. Her teacher said some of the behavior was attention seeking, some not. (and only attention from the other students, not the teacher) I am torn about this. Her father and I are divorced and both remarried. I think she may have emotional issues. I want her to see a counselor while her father is only thinking about $$.