
Question for parents who babies are crawling/walking...?

by  |  earlier

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My baby just turned 5 months and last night for the first time he started inching forward. He will get on his toes and inch forward... he will get where he needs to go with a lot of time and severe consentration... so my question is...

How long after your baby started "inching" did it take for them to all of a sudden "take off"? (where they could move faster/more etc...)


Isnt it exciting every NEW and LITTLE thing your baby does?




  1. ruby started getting on her hands and knees. butt scooting, and rocking on all fours at 6 months but didn't full on crawl until 8 months! she started crusing at 9 1/2 months, took her first steps and 11 months, but didn't start walking full time until 13 months. i always think these things are about to happen...and then it's months. ha. some babies are faster, though, for sure.

  2. My son started doing the rocking on all fours thing at 6 1/2 months, and he would stick his butt in the air but he just wouldn't go anywhere.  Finally at exactly 7 months, he just started crawling.  Then at 7 1/2 months he started pulling himself up.

  3. Development is weird and every kid is different.  Junior never did figure out crawling, or even hanging on to furniture to walk.  We were kind of worried about him until one day around 10 or 11 months, he just stood up in the middle of the floor and walked......

  4. yes it is exciting you just feel like you want to call the president and have him annouce it world my duaghter was fast with crawling she took off at 5 and a half months but walking whoa she did not walk until she was 12 in a half months i dont know for the life of me what the delay was

  5. At about 5 1/2 months my girl started pulling herself along with her arms- army style crawling. She is now just 7 1/2 months and it is just this week she is using it to go all over, before it was just to get a toy or something she wanted. Now that she has started going more places she is just starting to get up on her knees and hands.She rocks some but then all she does is ease forward back into her old position and take off. I think this is one of the greatest things to watch, a babies discovery of something they can achieve. It often leads to many laughs and proud statements

    edit- I did call almost evryone and proudly tell them about the inch she moved the first time she did "crawl"

  6. my son started getting on his hands and knees at about the age of 6 months once he had figured that out he has been unstoppable it is too cute!! it goes really fast once they start inching forward it only took him a few weeks. Now hes 10 months and just about ready to walk crazy how quickly they grow up!

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