
Question for people from riyadh

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what is better king saud university or ummamh university?!

im thinking about studying finance management




  1. king saud, definatly

  2. Let me tell you something.. I studied at KFUPM, so I dont have a full info niether about KSU (King Saud Univ), nor Yamamah. However, my bro, relatives & friends graduated from KSU, and so some younger people I know study at Alyamamah. So, I hope my limited knowledg can give you help needed.

    KSU is old-fashioned lol I mean it has just improved or developed a bit -if so- since it was first opened. Buildings, books, faculty, even teaching methods are all still the same, if not backwarding. They have very well knwon professors,but old mentalities for sorry. Saudi people, in general, are lazy and always wait for others to make them change, and so are KSU instructors. What do u expect from a +60 years old man who raised his kids and planning just to reach the age of retirement, either to relax for the rest of his life or look after his own business?

    Whereas Alyamamh is a western-style university on all aspects. It even has twinning agreements with American & Canadian universities so that you can transfer to any of those abroad univ and get your degree from there on what they named the "2+2 program". The major weakness is how young the univ is, that even no students garduated yet.Which makes it hard to predict the response of the job market to its fresh workers.

    Now, the point I'm trying to make through is that PSU (Prince Sultan Univ) may be the best choice. It's been launched around 8 years ago, and its graduates are being employed everywhere, both public & private sector. It's reputable! Plus PSU uses KFUPM books and even many of its faculty members have been brought from KFUPM. I believe that's what makes it earn the good reputation.

    Wich you luck needed.

  3. king saud

    why cant take anther country

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