
Question for people living in Ireland...(particularly in Dublin)?

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...have you noticed how "patchy" our roads are? Like when you look at the road, you see squares of concrete overlapping eachother, and it looks really weird...what do you think?




  1. I think what you need is a 'tarmaccing gang',  however most of these are 'over the water' ripping off little old ladies.

  2. ye ive noticed that a lot too

  3. Yes, In some roads but definitely not that d**n M50!! lol

  4. I travel to Dublin often (Im from Edinburgh), and yes it is very noticeable. But not only in Dublin - all around Ireland. When i first started going to Ireland about 17 years ago, all of the roads, including the main highways were very worn and uneven, but they did a whole of work to improve them.

    I remember a great sign on the road where roadworks were taking place that said "SLOW". A mile further on there was another sign that read "SLOWER"

    I found it very amusing.

  5. yes the roads in ireland are dreadful!!!! well mostly anyways there are exceptions. but they are especially in the countryside

  6. absolutely dreadful the state of our roads! im only 20 but i feel like a 90 yr old cos im always givin out bout our roads! i live in dub durin the week and wexford at the weekends and sometimes its hard to decide who has the worst roads between potholes and jus random bad patches of tarmac!!

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