
Question for people who KNOW about cameras?

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i have never bought a camera before. I have and still own my cameras .. I want a camera that takes clear pictures with the best quality and can take clear motion shots. I dont want a large camera and i really dont want to change lens for different pics/scenes/lighting etc. So that basically leaves me with a point and shoot camera. The two most recent cameras i had were Sone Cybershot DSC-S60 and i was not happy with it but i did not buy it..... and the other is Canon SD870 IS. I assume the Canon is better then the Sony but i cant get one clear picture with the Canon. I heard and read such great reviews about the Canon and i have nothing but problems. I was looking into the Canon G9 but i dont know if its worth it. I really want a clear crisp picture and i have a 2 year old and its always hard to catch him in a good pic. Money is not an issue....u cant put a price tag on those priceless moments that u can never get again. I just really need a GREAT camera....any advice???




  1. Much of the information on the G9 has been said, so I thought I'd mention another option. The Sigma DP1 is basically a point-and-shoot camera with a DSLR sensor -- it has superb image quality that says has "an amount of detail that is unheard of in the compact camera sector and can keep up with quite a few DSLRs." The camera also supports a RAW file format and is supposed to have a good build quality. There are also a few lens attachments that are, unlike most, supposedly quite good because they are made specifically just for the the lens of the DP1. Unfortunately, the biggest complaint about the camera is that it is quite slow, both in shooting and saving. This could be an issue if you have a little tyke running around, can't save precious memories if you're waiting for the camera to startup. If speed is not a huge concern, the DP1 appears to be a great option, albeit pricey as well (~$800)

  2. The Canon G9 is the best camera of the bunch you listed.  With the ability to crank up the ISO, you can increase your shutter speed, and will better be able to "freeze" motion (since how often is a 2 year old sitting still?).

    However, if you are not getting clear shots with the SD870 IS, I have to wonder "Why?"  Do you have image stabilization turned on?  Even though I think the G9 is a great camera, I would hate to see you go and buy a new one if you don't really need to.  Check your settings, make sure you have autofocus set.

    On the other side of it, I personally hate camera's like the SD870, because for me, they are too slim and awkward to hold steady, so if that is the problem then a move to the G9 may serve you well.

  3. The Canon SD series are great cameras.  Maybe the one you used had auto focus turned off.  Just set it in automatic mode and you will get great pics.  I currently have the SD800IS and I love it.

  4. If you will simply READ & STUDY the Owner's Manual for your Canon SD870 IS you'll learn how to actually use it and get the results you want. Buying another camera, even the G9, is not the solution. The solution is to learn to use what you have.

    However, all digicams (point & shoot) suffer from what's known a shutter lag - the time between when you press the shutter release and when the camera takes the picture. This is exacerbated when using the flash indoors since the flash has to recycle (charge) after its fired. So no digicam is really good for keeping up with your 2 yr. old. You can try pressing the shutter release 1/2 way down so the camera can focus and then hopefully catch your toddler when you want.

    To completely eliminate shutter lag and all its frustrations will require a DSLR like the Sony A200 or Canon XTi or Nikon D40 or Pentax K200D.

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