
Question for people who know about the modeling industry?

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I got a call and was asked to come in for an interview for the Mayo Hill/Neil Hamil agency. I'm pretty nervous and was just wondering if I should dress up or go more casual with minimal makeup... and if I should wear flats or heels..




  1. (long story made short=)i myself did some modeling a couple of years ago, and also went to Barbizon (a modeling school). what I have learned there and over the past couple of years is, never go to an interview dressed casual. dress up nicely and look sophisticated. keep in mind some rules like don't wear big earrings, only one ring per finger, a natural make-up with a bit of sophistication, and always watch you posture. you know your posture is good by standing next to the wall with your back touching the wall, and push your shoulders back so your shoulders are also touching the wall and also stand up straight. from what you have there is a good posture. high heels are always a yes, and they should be black. oh and also, make sure you are well groomed. you hair should up neatly and nicely, and keep finger nails clean and short, without any attention screaming nail polish.

    wow, i sound so bossy. but i hope i helped and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask :)

  2. u should dress casual i used to b a model and i stoped cuz i did not like it but they like it when u dress casual it shows that u r ready for anything and i would go wit the flats for shoes

  3. wear minimal makeup.

    agencies dont like you to wear makeup they want to see your natural beauty.

    dress casual but DONT wear jeans and a tee shirt but dont go as far as a suit or something.

    something liek a shirt with some kind of a dressy-ish shirt will work.

    also, id say wear flats but bring heels just incase they ask to see if you can walk in heels.

    also make sure your loud and fun (: you dont want to seem shy.

    hope i helped (:!

  4. okay go like YOU. how do you dress everyday. dont look trashy, look nice though(:

    And your makeup, not to minimal, not to much. make it look normal and suttle. and flats. just incase of accidents. haha(:

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