
Question for people who live in ireland?

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so wat do u guys do for st patties day?? :)

yay go irish!




  1. Well i usually go to the parade in Dublin city and freeze my nips off.  This year I won't though.  Staying local.  Going to a ballad session in the local pub with friends.  

    I just want to comment on those moaney moaners saying things about Americans .... Irish people you should be proud that people across the world are proud to claim their links to Ireland.

  2. nothing much. get the day off work and go to the pub for a drink

  3. Just go to the parade...and some people (not everyone) would go to the pub - its always a great day!

  4. We don't refer to it as 'Pattie's Day', it's called Paddy's day here. In Ireland the letters D and T are pronounced differently to in the US. ;-)

    There will be parades in many major towns, and some places have already celebrated it because this year it falls on Holy Week which precedes Easter, so heavy drinking is a bit of a no-no in some places.

    I'll be going out on the night, that's what I'm planning anyway. Probably with my g*y friends to a g*y bar. Oh, I live in the west of Ireland, by the way.


  6. well im always in paris during the paddys day weekend and anyone who knows me there wants me to let them buy drinks  for me because i'm irish.bit weird but i ain't complaining!!

  7. It's Saint Paddys! We drink until we can't feel feelings anymore!

  8. Would you like to ask your question again, in English?


  9. Ahhh its paddy's day!! I plan on going into town (Dublin city) and feckin around there 4 a while, also theres loads of stuff on the days around paddy's day like the fireworks display and that dennies family day out I might head to.

  10. St. Paddy's Day!!!

    We go to the parades some people climb crough Patrick and visit St. patricks grave.  others live in the pub for the week.  Its my mums birthday so PARTY all the way!!

  11. Drink myself to oblivion then go asleep.

  12. proabably drink solidly for 4 days running le mo chairde.....hehe

    kiss randomers....just because its fun!!!

    im going to the parade in Dub.....yowzaaa

    probably go to bar ever....great craic altogether

    oh and i agree!! dont say "Patties"

    haha "Paddy's Day" all the way baby

  13. Unfortunately I'll be spending the day in work

  14. Yes, Please dont call it PATTIES

    its unbelievable annoying.

    The whole country gets drunk and children go to the parade

    thats what it means to be irish

  15. Get outta Dublin and get drunk for the whole weekend, it really is a magical time.

  16. be happy ive a day off that i dont care about anyway, and avoid going out so i dont have to put up with americans everywhere claiming they're irish when clearly they couldnt point to ireland on a map

  17. never heard it called St Patties before, Pattie is a woman's name over here and a type of food in England.  We call it St Paddy's day.

    I'm going in to the city centre on Saturday for a few drinks with the girls, on Monday itself I might just go to the local after watching the parade.  There is a fun fair near where I work so might go there too if the weather improves.

  18. some people go on a mad bender in the city men ill stay local want to avoid the loud Americans dressed head to toe in green saying they Irish cause their great great grandad born in mayo spare me the torture

  19. We have parades in every town, usually the pubs do a roaring trade, there's the odd ceili (big Irish dancing session) on, and thats about it. The Americans have gone overkill on the whole St.Patricks day thing.

    Oh on the risk of sounding patronising *St. Paddy's not Patties

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