
Question for people who make/made A's in high School

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What motivates/motivated you to make the A's? What are some tips you can tell me that can help me out? How do/did you keep yourself from procrastinating at work? I'm a A/B student, trying to make all A's. 10 points best answer. All answers appreciated :)




  1. I motivated myself.


    Listen in class

    Take notes

    Copy your homework in an agenda booklet.

    At least keep up with the class. Do not fall behind.

    Eat breakfast!!!

    Lol it is super embarrassing to have your stomach growl in class. Especially while you're taking a test!

    Lol, I still kinda procrastinate, but not as badly as I used to. Just start on your work once it is assigned (if you have the will power, unlike me).

  2. what motivates me is the future. i mean everything you do now determines what, how, where, and why you do things later on. if working hard to get all A's means getting into a good college that i actually want to go to, then it seems worth it in the long hall.

    i procrastinate too a lot. try writing down assignments in a planner/agenda to set a schedule and tell yourself when certain things need to get done. this way, you can prioritize :)

  3. What motivates me is knowing if I try my best in highschool I will not have as many regrets later. I really care for having a good future so I just try to get good grades so I can get to a college that will accept me, even with my financial difficulties. I never tried to make all A's but it just turned out that making an A was my best effort  just like making a B is others' best effort. I never really kept myself from procrastinating, but I just have a big problem with that. In the end, I always managed to get things done on time looking like they  had been worked on for a week or more (even though it may have been one night).  

  4. What motivates me to get A's, is somewhat of my family. I want not only my regular family to know I'm smart, but aunts and uncles too. But i also like the feeling of being better then other students, and showing/surprising my teachers with great work. I really like to be the best at anything. Another thing is my future, if i do poorly, it won't matter how smart i actually am, because my grades don't show it.

    How do i keep myself from procrastinating. That is hard, because i procrastinate, quite a bit actually, but instead of turning a project in late, i stay up all night and finish it, turn it in when its due. It is actually a higher grade when i do this.

    I feel that everyone procrastinates, to some extent. Some more then others, and some are more responsible to finish it, even if they don't get any sleep.

    If your trying to keep your self motivated, start a rewards program for your self. Ask your parents if i get all A's can i go to the movies with my friends, or can we go out for dinner, or something that is important to you.

    In order to get straight A's, you have to be totally determined, unless you take totally easy classes, then you just have to show up. But it isn't something you can just show up and do.

    You have to:

    do all your homework, and don't guess, work at till you get it right.

    turn homework in ON TIME

    Study alot, whatever classes, read the book for that class, etc

    Studying: make flash cards, and read the book for that classes, if you have trouble, ask, and study your notes for at least 30 min every night, and at least 2 hr before test days.

    Just try hard, and you will do great, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!


  5. I don't know, high school for me was a breeze. I never studied, but always made sure to complete assignments because they were worth precious points. Just going to class everyday (since I had to) and paying attention made me learn the material. I'm in college now and I can hardly motivate myself to go to class, lol.

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