
Question for people who took or are taking philosophy....?

by  |  earlier

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I got into philosophy as an interest. but i also have OCD. i i came across a thoery that is VERY distressing to me is called

"solipsism" :

The belief that all reality is just one's own imagining of reality, and that one's self is the only thing that exists

its an obsessive thought it its distressing because i feel that since its siprovable then its a possibilty. and if that the case then what the point of anything if its not real. it makes me feel detached isolated and makes me feel "unreal" which is another symptom of anxiety.




  1. Well i see two paths you can follow. As you are scared of this possibility you can. 1) Never think about it again and push it to the back of your mind. A form of escapism for sure, but if that helps? whatever. or 2) accept the possible consequences of this potential reality and come to terms with how this could affect you. By understanding the situation you can overcome it.

    But this belief which is not provable and yet cannot be discredited will never be known for sure. And because of this you can rest safe in your ignorance of what is really going on around you and just interact with the world as you have been becasue the alternativese to that are pretty horrible.

    Quiting society is a strain on anyperson,

  2. That is why I hated Philosophy.  It was a waste of a semester.

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