I developed an eating disorder at the age of 10, over 30 years ago. I cope very well most of the time. Last December I was diagnosed with a health condition that requires a special diet. I tried to follow the diet, but it caused me to obsess, rebel and binge on the foods I'm not supposed to eat. I decided to forget the diet, and I've felt much better ever since.
Last night I went to Macy's to purchase a pair of jeans. I found the perfect pair and was going to buy them until I checked the tag and saw they were a size smaller than I usually wear. I promptly freaked out, thinking that Macy's and the jean's designer were conspiring against me to make clothes big so I'd think I'm thin when I'm actually fat. I started seeing lots of excess weight and rolls of fat when I looked in the mirror and became frantic. I realized what was happening and calmed myself down. I bought a pair of jeans in the bigger size and left the store. This morning when I got up I had to take my measurements and weigh myself before I did anything else. I have not experienced an incident like this in years.
Here is my question: I think the stress of a restricted diet and counting nutritional values and worrying about my health is what caused this incident, and I'm wondering if you agree and if you know of women like me who have been in my position, able to manage an eating disorder, not able to follow diets, but supposed to for health reasons? What was their solution (or yours)?
(Please don't answer if you don't understand disordered eating, and please do not insult me either.)