
Question for people with autistic children. Does this happen to anyone else?

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Do your children have any habits that make you fear that others who don't understand autism will see as a reflection on you as a parent? Do you ever worry that your child's meltdowns or other behaviors will cause you to wind up explaining yourself to authorities? Have you ever had that happen? I had something happen today that really has me upset. Please, no rude comments.





  1. My son was at summer camp one day when they had a field trip somewhere.  When he came back, I found out he had a rather bad day.

    I informed him that he wasn't going on the next field trip due to his behavior and he got extremely angry.  He didn't like that very much and tried to tell me what was going to happen (trying to be the boss).

    I wasn't going to stand for any of that and I got extremely mad at him, making quite a scene in the parking lot.

    The next day when I dropped him off, the police were there to talk to me, which I was pissed about, because I was trying to back up the counselors by punishing him for his bad behavior, and all they ended up doing was calling the cops on me for yelling at my kid.

    The cops seemed to agree with how I handled the situation as I even asked them for advice and they couldn't come up with anything.

    Him losing his temper was something that happened easily during his early days of having Asberger's.

  2. I just want to lift you up right now and give you the prase you deserve...God bless you, for caring sooo much.  Special needs children are not given to just anyone, for a reason!  So many people just don't understand. I have so many of my own experiences I could share with you, but you know what, never mind.  Just know you are doing a GREAT job!!  There are a lot of folks out there praying and hoping the best for you, stay focused and Love your children, all of them.

  3. My brother is autistic.  Only mildly but he's vastly different from how I was at his age.  He has a one track mind.  If it needs done (like the dining room table needs to be put together) and we don't get to it he will bring it up 10 plus times a day for as long as it takes.  Also if he's doing something and realizes something else has to be done he drops it as is (leaving the lawnmower in the middle of the yard or the sink full of dishes).  My big quote is "Listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth" because of this.  If he doesn't agree with what me or my parents say he won't change his opinion and will still go ahead and do it anyway (Example: just because you can flush a diaper down a fancy no-clog toilet doesn't mean you can flush a diaper down any toilet).  What also bugs me is when I am outside with the phone (so I can hear it ring) and he decides to take it away so all the phones can be back where they are supposed to be.  Theres also that EVERYTHING is also on the charger... laptop, GPS, cell phones, ect.

    Edit: He has what the person above me mentioned... the ash word

  4. I am not a prent to an autistic child but I have been caring for autistic children/autistic adults for a long time.

    It happens while I am out in public all the time. There is such an unawareness of Autism people can get really scared. I was in a park one time and was asked to leave me a police officer because someone "complained."

    While I have been working I have had the individuals I work with throw tantrums and have strangers come up and ask, "Can I help?" I always think to myself, you know I have only been working exclusively with this person everyday for like 4 years but maybe you just have the magic touch!

    If you would like to talk more you can feel free to e-mail me

  5. People are simply ignorant and quick to judge. Don't let them get to you. They don't know or understand your situation, so their opinion or judgement is not really worthy of your attention. It's often best to just ignore ignorant people. You can try to educate those who are important to you or your children, but if you tried to educate every ignorant person that comes your way you'd have time for nothing else. :)

    I am not a parent of a child with autism. I'm an adult who has a form of autism (Asperger's syndrome). People generally don't understand me and just think I'm weird or crazy because I'm different and people can be very judgemental, but I just keep in mind that they are ignorant and that they don't know the full story. I've always liked the saying "don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes." Stay strong and keep being a good mom. :)

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