
Question for people with braces (guys OR girls)?

by Guest57690  |  earlier

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I'm 12 and my teeth are pretty messed up. The bottom teeth overlap the top ones :S

So the dentist says I'm gonna need braces. Not only that, but i'm gonna need a SURGERY!!!

Yup. I've gotta go under the knife! But I'm pretty excited. I really want good looking teeth.


1. Do braces make you sound different?

2. How long do you children usually wear braces?

3. Does it hurt having them put in?

Answer any of the 3 questions or more than one if you can.

God bless •◘○♦♣♠☺☻♥

Shenae A




  1. 1. Yes, maybe but for the better.

    2. 2 years

    3. Yes, but it's worth it.

    4. My daughter is 10 and is getting braces soon.

    5. I think she should have beautiful teeth.

  2. your teeth are probably that bad.... ;) trust me evryone talks bad about their own teeth

    1. no not really you might have a lisp at the start but no they dont cahnge your voice :)

    2. anywhere from 1-3 years commonly for you i would say 2 but thats how long most people wear them for...

    3. it doesnt hurt putting them on but you will be a bit sore and tender for the next two days. its the same when the wire gets tightened each visit but just take a pain reliever... some people take them b4 they go but this is not good because you need to feel your dental strength of what hurts and what doesnt and how much it really does hurt ok

    dont worry too much im 14 and i have braces at the moment :) clear and i like them. they have improved my smile lots and they look so much better now... imagine when they come off true hehe

    i have only just recently had jawe surgery its not that bad.... you get meds and stuff for it and its so much easier tol do like practically everythign with your jaw thereafter. i had an overbite/crossbite and they needed to fix the right side so it was even when i chewed

    good luck with everything  

  3. Yes, your voice does a change little bit, it becomes a bit more high-pitched you can say owing to the braces, but as you get used to it, it'll be normal.

    Well this all depends on the case. Minimum usually is 2 years, and maximum can be up to 10 yrs

    They hurt only when they're made tight, that is only during the first few days after you put it, and then whenever they're tightened, it'll hurt for one day. But it's not unbearable. You'll get used to it.

  4. well it sounds like u have pretty messed up teeth. i have braces and im 13 and had them for almost a year.  1. i dont think they do-no

                                                             2. it depends on how messed up peoples teeth are-if were talking about u maybe a 3-4 or maybe more years. they dont hurt at all until...u about had them on for a while they hurt like **** but then u get used to them and they stop until u get a heavier wire it starts the process over.

  5. 1. For me personally i dont sound any different, you may have a slight lisp but nothing major

    2. I have to have mine on for 2 years, im already 10 months in and they aren't too bad.

    3. It didn't hurt at all when they put them in, my teeth were tender for a while but no outrageous pain. I had 3 panadol before i got them on cause im paranoid so that mightve helped :)

  6. 1. yes they do a little,

    2. i had to wear mine for 2.5 years

    3. when you put your braces on it will hurt for a couple of days but then you'll be fine!


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