
Question for pilots who already receiced their Private Pilot Certificate. Around many hours did you guys flew?

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Question for pilots who already receiced their Private Pilot Certificate. Around many hours did you guys flew with an instructor and alone before getting your certificate. Just wondering because am thinking of starting my flight lessons finally after working hard on earning money for the budget. : )




  1. I think I had around 85 hours, over 6+ years. First solo was at 9 hours. Most of my time was solo, I had to re-take the knowledge test three times because the original test kept expiring! On the other hand, I was probably better prepared than the average PPL applicant.

    Had to break up my training several times - funding, auto accident, transferred overseas, funding, motorcycle accident, divorce, relocation, etc... perseverance was key. You're doing the right thing to get the budget together first.

    Don't be afraid to switch instructors if you have a personality conflict or feel you're not getting solid instruction. Once I got the funds together & flew consistently with one instructor, took about a month to be done with it. I wasn't in a hurry.

    Most people take around 75-80 hours over a three to four month period if they fly consistently and don't stop in the middle. There is no real "average" number. The number of hours it takes to earn the license isn't what's important - the quality of your training and experience is what matters. Take your time. Plan on three to four hours of ground study and "chair flying" for each hour in the air.

    Good luck!

  2. It took me 72, but at first I was taking my lessons way too infrequently.

  3. 86. I had five different instructors before I backed the FBO owner against the file cabinet and smacked her around until she finished me up personally. I've since learned this school has a reputation for never finishing. OTOH I was very very prepared for the check ride (could've taken it at 50 easy).

  4. It takes the average person around 60 hours total time.  The required number of hours is 40.

    Most people fly more dual than solo.  The solo time tends to run around 20-25 hours.

  5. About 35 with instructor and about 25 solo (alone) before I received my private pilot cert.

  6. I did 54 hours. 40 is the minimum, but most people usually have more.

  7. It`s best to take as long as you have to. You need to be comfortable with yourself and know what you are doing.

    Ms Avio above has had some pretty impressive advise on other questions. If she doesn`t mind, use her as a good source.

  8. I soloed at 8 hours and took my Private test at 40. I had to since that's all I could afford at the time..

  9. The amount of time it will take is entirely dependent on the time-frame in which you do it.

    For instance, take an intensive program over a month, and you may finish somewhere between the minimum time and 50 hours or so. Take a slow program over 6 months to a year, and it may take 100 hours.

    The reason is retention of skills and interest in learning.

    I took 80 hours, but had to break up my training for one reason or another. If I had stuck with it, I would have finished around 50 hours.


  10. I soloed at 13 hours, changed instructors around 40 and got my ticket at 56. It varies for everyone, some people can do it in 40 or a little more, I was not in that much of a hurry, and finally felt comfortable at 56. Be safe, and plan for a little more time than 40, many people, maybe even most people take more than the 40 required.

  11. Depending upon where you live and how crowded the airspace is around you.

    Minimum 40 hours - but where I live - most people are between 80-100 before they pass.

    Take your time - learn everything you can, because when you get that certificate, it's only a certificate to keep learning.

    You will never know everything.

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