
Question for pisces?

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Do you fall in love easily?Are you a talkative or quiet person?What sign do you tend to fall in love with?




  1. I was born March 11. I have never fallen in love with any guy being that Im 17. I have alot of capricorn in my chart so Im more career focused. Ive only had 3 boyfriends and I never really cared much about them honestly. I like the chase but once captured I look for new[ venus in aries].

    Im rather quiet when you first meet me. It is rare for me to open up completly with anyone. Maybe after a couple of weeks I become a little more talkative. Like previously stated I dont fall in love but Im attracted to Aries Sags and Gemini.

  2. I have ALWAYS fallen in love easily....but I fall HARD. So I always need the other person to show me true love from the beginning. I guess we're needy & need acceptance and reassurance.

    I've been a mixture of quiet and talkative....

    I always fall for Sagittarius men. They suck me in with their charm and super easy going ways and they have that sexiness about them....but Sagi's are also bad boys sometimes and that can hurt a sensitive Pisces girl.

    However, I think I adore Taurus men the most, although I've never fallen for one. Honestly, Sagittarius men are it for me! ;)

  3. yes i do fall in love easily and when i fall for real, i fall HARD!  i am a very very talkative person, in fact, thats how other ppl know something is wrong with me, when i am quiet....i love cancer men.  they are the epitome of happiness and fun in my eyes.  my first love was a cancer.  that was 11 yrs ago, and im still not all over him.  my current bf is a cancer, and i know there is a possiblilty we might not end up getting to stay together.  i hope someday it will work out with a cancer man for me tho.  i need cancers!

  4. i wanna know too!

  5. Yes im a pisces, YES I DO FALL IN LOVE EASILY. hehe :p.

    When i meet knew people im really quiet, but once i get 2 know them i am more talkative. I havent really fell in love with any sign but i was attracted to an Aries, but my ZOdiac sign says i go better with TAurus. SO yeah i m attraccted to Aries and TAurus

    I tihnk i like Aries cuz their the BAD BOYS of the ZOdiac, and Taurus can relate to me and treat me like a lady

    God Bless, :] Hope this helps XOXOXO -Snoop_bunny226

    *Email me if you have anymore questions

  6. Yes to the first question. I have been in love 3 times already and I am only 22. I am extremely talkative to those I am comfortable around such as my family, friends and bf, but quiet around strangers and in social situations which make me feel very uneasy. Unfortunately I tend to fall in love with bad boys. They seem really loving and into me at first, and then later down the line they reveal their true colours. Supposedly us Pisceans are legendary when it comes to picking the wrong men.

    I tend to fall for either Scorpios or fire signs, but particularly the Scorps.

  7. i like people easily, but i usually only have one crush. i'm shy around the guy that i like, but otherwise i'm talkative(especially with my family). I always fall in love with a sign that is not supposed to be my best match as a pisces(like libra, aquarius, aries).

  8. Good Question!!
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