
Question for poets please

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In the 1960's when Vietnam was happening Bob Dylan, The Mamas & The Papas, and many other artists wrote political/anti-war songs. Since we have been in Iraq, I hardly hear any! The only political song I have heard within the past few years is, "Dear Mr. President" by Pink. Why are poets/songwriters not writing about Iraq? It's just as important as Vietnam or is it?




  1. nowadays people are busy with their ipods, laptops, latest video games, olympics, etc...

    songwriters? whatelse do you expect. all they can can do is write about s*x and vaginas.

    the present day can no longer produce genius artists. only genuinely half-baked, mediocre artisans.

  2. Most of the artists have realized that all the anti-war protest songs of the Vietnam era only served to get more of our soldiers killed due to loss of morale.  I hope I never hear any Iraq protests until we are out of there.

  3. They probably are writing them, they just aren't getting to us, just as we do not see the dead come home or buried or many other things about the war.  

  4. Pretty sure eminem put out a couple cuts like "White America" and "Mosh", the last election had alot of political/antiwar songs. Not sure what your musical tastes are but there are alot of hip hop songs that are antigovernment/antiwar.

    Another reason could be the backlash received from putting out those types of songs. I believe Dixie chicks got blackballed by the industry for their antiwar/antibush efforts.

  5. Where's OUR Guernica? Is that what your asking? I've often wondered that myself. I try to find a muse to paint, or at least write about that coincides with current events, but--to tell you the truth--I think war has just become boring. We know it's never going to end. But, we do see an end.

    "The end is near"

    "The Sheriff's a N---er" (Mel Brooks: Blazing Saddles, by the way.)

  6. Sure its important but more people are for the War in Iraq

    I am

    but if you want protest songs write them

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