
Question for private research study-Drug Dealers?

by  |  earlier

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How many people (statistically), do drug dealers kill within their lifetime (as a dealer)? This can be, as in killing people directly, people dying from overdosing / bad drugs, suicide caused by drugs.

And what other damage can drug dealers help to cause? ie, breakup of families, grief from people dying, crime?

Please give your opinions..I am really looking for statistical numbers, but would like to hear any opinions people have on the subject.




  1. first of all i dont do drugs. and i think alot of them start in high school and being dealers or hustlers cause its an easy way to make money  

  2. I dont think it is the drug dealer.  I am in no way condoning it but is isnt like they are shoving the drugs down peoples throats.  Yes they may kill people directly with guns and what not but I dont think that they do through drugs.  It is everybodys personal decision and more than that I would say peer pressure plays a bigger part than the drug dealers.  h**l most peoples first drug dealers are there "friends".  I know that it causes more crime because people will rob each other for drugs but all in all everyone makes there own decisions.  I do believe to an extent that some drug dealers take advantage of addicts when they are at their worst but ya...

  3. to be honest,

    drug dealers rarely kill people,

    ones that do are a tight groub of hard dealers (coke, crack, Meth...)

    i was a big dope dealer for a while, though not proud of it, i saw nothing wrong.

    it depends what you are wheeling and dealing,

    and on what scale, things like mushrooms, acid and dope rarely have anything go wrong with them, coke meth and the like have alot more tied to them because they are more high risk, and need to be made alot of the time.

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