
Question for pro-choice people...?

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If your mom told you that you were the product of a rape, not from your mom and dad as you had always been raised to think, would you be willing to give up your life so that she would not have had to go through the "inconvenience" of having you? Think of everything you have done so far in your life, and still have left to do... would you give that all up? Or would you prefer she had you, then gave you up for adoption when you were born?

On that note, do you think all the babies who have been aborted would rather have been given up for adoption, or aborted?

Just curious about your thoughts...




  1. I know I'm not a product of rape, so I have no idea how I would feel.  If I HAD been a product of rape, who knows how I would have been raised?  The things I have done so far in my life, the opportunities I have had, the relationship I have had with my mother and father would be totally different.  In other words, I would not have had the exact life I have had, so how would one know how they would feel?

    Only a person who has been a product of rape can really answer this question.

  2. More anti-woman propaganda...

    If you don't like abortion, then don't have one!

    But don't for a moment think that you or anyone else have the right to tell a woman what to do with her body or family composition.  I don't care what the situation is...rape, stupid one night stand, incest, ect..

  3. Abortion is not about a baby or an adult person. Abortion is about a fetus. You cannot have an abortion after the 3rd month in any country because medically, that's about when a 'fetus' becomex a 'baby'.

    To answer your question. Not all orphans are being adopted. Some of the ones who do are being adopted by molestors. There are numerous stories and options. I think a woman should decide what she'll do with her body.

    I'm pro-choice.

  4. Every tme I watch Jerry Springer I think to myself "Who could possibly be against legallized abortion."

  5. I think the babies would have wanted to LIVE!

    And the TEENAGERS will regret having abortions for the REST OF THEIR LIVES!

  6. But where would the Democrats get their stem cell swirl fetus smoothies?

  7. I don't think that you can get an honest answer to this question unless there's someone really out there that had this happen to them. No one knows what they would really feel unless they were in that situation.  

  8. That doesn't make any sense. What's done is done. This is stretching. It's not the zygote's decision. You guys are so inconsistent and clearly are very short on your knowledge of Biology. Abortion is ugly. Why do you think the pro-choice group is working to reduce the number performed annually? Now Bush wants to eliminate birth control. He wants to label that an abortion. Is that the road you want to go down? You pro-lifers are really anti-women. You have no idea what you are talking about because you live in fantasy land.

    edit: What do you think of the morning after pill? How about working to prevent women having to make a choice in the first place? Are you willing to subsidize more poor women that have children? You guys know nothing about Biology nor Economics nor Sociology. I think you should work on becoming more educated, more well rounded before you start speaking because you only display your ignorance.

    Someone close to me had an abortion and it was not easy decision. You will never understand and I hope you are never in such a position. The life of the child was at stake. It would have had a miserable and painful existence in every sense. What do you say about that? The decision was made as it should between patient and doctor!!!

    edit: If I hadn't been born then it would be ok. As if I would know actually. Life isn't all that great for everyone. Clearly you live in a fantasy world. I can see that.

    edit: I guess it's a real shame that we aren't exactly like you, perfect and all.  I feel fortunate that I am in a position where it's never been an issue for me. But I can tell you that I know people that aren't as fortunate. You have no idea because you've never been faced with it. I feel that if you really had then you would feel differently. I don't see how you couldn't unless you are heartless like some religious people I know.

    edit: Bush and the right wing crazy religious nuts are working to make birth control pills inaccessible to women because it's an abortion. You should contact your legislators if you are ok with the birth control pill and want to prevent abortions.

  9. If I was aborted, I wouldn't be alive to have an opinion would I? So then it wouldn't matter, because I wouldn't be consciously aware of what I was/wasn't missing.

  10. Honestly, does this obsession with something that is none of your business have a boundary? I don't care.  

    If you think abortion is wrong, don't have one.

  11. What if my mom was a unicorn, and my dad was a lephrechaun?.....

  12. It would have been a valid choice if that were the case.

    I would not have to give up my life if I had never been born.

    Babies who were aborted don't exist as living beings so how could they have any preference?

    Your question is based on your anti-abortion views rather than a realistic set of conditions that might give rise to such a question.

  13. excellant question

  14. If I was dead I really wouldn't have that much to worry about, now would I?

    If I was rapeget I would be pretty disgusted. I could care less about the aborted babies. I'm more concerned about taking care of the ones that are alive, than having to worry about many more who are also not going to be taken care of.

  15. That is preposterous.  There is no way committing suicide would remedy the trauma of rape or carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term.  Such silly questions emphasize the fact that many folks her have no inkling,much less concern, for the emotions of women who have to even consider having an abortion

  16. People who do not think about anything but their needs and pleasure don't consider this question even relevant. They think a human being at the beginning of their life is just a lump of flesh and should be discarded because it was a "mistake". They forget that the purpose and design of s*x is procreation and pregnancy is a success of that endeavor..not a mistake. Unfortunately, people do not choose s*x for much else than pleasure and their short-sighted no self control attitudes DOES hurt someone other than themselves.

  17. I'm pro choice AND I'm one of TEN children.  Before I was born the choice was up to my mother and father to add another one to the brood.  

    Its always a matter of choice.

  18. It is every woman's  personal choice,who are you or any one else to decide what a woman is to do with her own body!If you don't agree...that's easy...don't get an abortion! For you to ask this question is ridiculous...plain & simple.Turn the tables and lets say you were raped and someone was forcing you to "have" an abortion....that is WRONG....that would NOT be your choice.Your body your choice.

  19. OMG!  Just when I thought questions couldn't get more irrelevent or absolutely ridiculous because of their lack of logic, here it is that you write one that is even more irrelevent and illogical that what I've seen before.

    It's a woman's personal choice, get over it.  You have no right to tell a woman to get an abortion just like you have no right to force her to remain pregnant.

    jack b..... seriously funny and oh so true!

  20. This question should be targeted to pro-abortion people, not pro-choice. You can be pro-choice but anti-abortion.

    And as for the question, if I was a product of a rape, I am already here. So no, I am not going to give up my life for that. She decided to have me. But, me being a baby in the womb, I have no concept of life or death, so it really wouldn't have matter. And as for the other question, it doesn't really make sense. Baby's have no concept of anything when they are in the womb. So, who can say that babys want to be aborted or don't?  

  21. that's a silly statement.

  22. No I would not ‘give it all up’ but I would get myself sterilised to ensure that the rapist’ genes are kept out of the pool.  

  23. Try to make some sense next time.  No one that is pro-choice is ever going to force you to have an abortion.  It's people like you that are trying to limit free choice.

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