I want to purchase a microphone..for my house. I bought cheap $15 bucks mic for recording. They worked a while (still are), but then.. sometimes when I sing a bit loud they come up with this staticy sound and when I am recording I could hear background noises.. like the wind..even if the mic is noise reducing.. like it said on the box. Now I'm trying to get a mic to record my vocals and guitar. I've come up with 3 options. Dynamic mic or condenser.
1. This one is a condenser.. I'm not sure about this because of the 'phantom power' I have no idea what it is.. and it looks kinda like a battery box. So I am scared I might have to go buy a more and more.. Waste of time, but I like the look of the mic and its price. (Marshall Electronics
MXL2006 Cardioid Condenser Microphone) [http://www.samash.com/catalog/showitem.asp?ItemPos=0&TempID=1&DepartmentID=5&STRID=12518&CategorySubID=320&CategoryID=320&BrandID=0&CategorySubPriceRangeID=0&pagesize=10&SortMethod=3&Method=3&PriceRangeID=0&SearchPhrase=&Contains=&Search_Type=Department&GroupCode=&categorysubsearch=true]
2. This one is dynamic. I am planning to buy it b/c it looks pretty good and a musician on youtube use it and it sounded ok. ( Shure
SM58 Cardioid Dynamic Microphone ) [http://www.samash.com/catalog/showitem.asp?ItemPos=0&TempID=1&DepartmentID=6&STRID=12216&CategorySubID=1168&CategoryID=1168&BrandID=0&CategorySubPriceRangeID=0&pagesize=10&SortMethod=3&Method=3&PriceRangeID=0&SearchPhrase=&Contains=&Search_Type=Department&GroupCode=&categorysubsearch=true]
3.This one looks reasonable, it is cheap..kinda. And raters say that is is better than the Shure SM58. (Samson
Q7 Cardioid Dynamic Microphone) [http://www.samash.com/catalog/showitem.asp?ItemPos=9&TempID=10&DepartmentID=6&STRID=12216&CategorySubID=1168&CategoryID=1168&BrandID=0&CategorySubPriceRangeID=0&pagesize=10&SortMethod=3&Method=3&PriceRangeID=0&SearchPhrase=&Contains=&Search_Type=Department&GroupCode=&categorysubsearch=true]
Please help me out. I am an amateur musician/singer, but I plan to go a long way. I don't want a cheapy mic. What I want is one that is good, and it cancel background noioses [e.g. like the 'wind' and outside noises like cars] I want it to be good for singing/voice and for instruments like a guitar. I have a baby taylor if that helps at all -.-
Thank you!!