
Question for ps3 fans (targeted specifically at xbox haters)?

by  |  earlier

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Do you use Windows or any other Microsoft software? If so, does this make you feel like a hypocrite?

(this question is not meant to be offensive in any way)




  1. I don't hate xbox I have one but I prefer my PS3 sure its not as developed as the xbox 360 yet in features except blue ray but still the ps3 is great

  2. Well I'm a Sony fan boy but I use Windows Vista. I dont like X-Box to well but I dont feel like a hypocrite. Game Consols and Computer software are to different things.

  3. No, I don't hate Microsoft, I just don't like the Xbox 360 as much as the PS3. Mainly because of the reliability issues when I was deciding which to get

    Windows= software

    Xbox 360= hardware

    They're two different things

  4. Hmmm....nice.

    i use windows, and I have a Zune.

    But I still don't like the xbox. Microsoft does a great job with their services (sort of), but their attitude with the 360 is just not honest or anything. They buy exclusives. They have points placed a 1 microsoft point equals 1.25$ to confuse customers and make them spend more. RROD. And the shameless copying of Miis and the Sony XMB.

  5. I don't want to fuel it up. I'm using WinXP. It's a piece of c**p. Any windows is (2000 was all right). I',m planning to switch to Linux. As for 360 - it's not as good as PS3, but it has some good games, I would of buy it, but it's high unreliability rate scares me.

  6. i don't really hat Xbox i may bash them but not hate them and the hypocrite thing really makes no sense because a ps3 fan may not like a Xbox but a Xbox is not computer software so i don't feel like a hypocrite so your question isn't that good  

  7. Of course, why would it be hypocritical?

    Thier actually two seperate departments anyway, which in MS land is practiaclly two diffrnet comapnies, one makes Operating systems n the other games consoles.

    you could come up wiht loads of Q's in same vien, liek being form US do you feel liek bing a hypocrite for getting a Japanes console, bieng a Ipod owner with a PC, etc etc.

    PS3 offers more for me than a 360, n Vista offers more for me than a Mac or Linux. and it means i get best of both worlds, my PS3 and its game,s and my PC for PC games and 360 ports when they come.

  8. Software =/= Hardware

    The only reason I don't own an xbox 360 is because of its faulty hardware, and the fact that most of the good xbox games come out for the PC as well. If I own a PC and a PS3 I can basically play every good exclusive there is.

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