
Question for school this morning...?

by  |  earlier

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Do we keep our old books till we're done with them, from yr 8 i mean cause i'm in yr 9 now :P or do we get new ones? i'm in wales.




  1. it actually depends on if your yr 8 book is screwed up or not. Mine are always demented even after one term.

    so i recommend getting a new one, so u can get a fresh start.  

  2. for us in Los Angeles. we turn them in, in the end of the school year.

  3. You usually get new ones but it may depend on the teachers. kepp all your old books untill you have new ones.  

  4. No im from England  and im going in to year ten today :\ well we just do what we want with our books most of the teachers put ours in the bin so...

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