
Question for skeptics and real scientists?

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I already know the believers view and the paranormal invitigators view. But go ahead if you just want to share your thoughts but this is really for skeptics. Other people may enjoy your thoughts.




  1. Sounds to me as though you might have found a sort of thermal syphon/venturi ..... Updraft at the center of the parking lot.... heck, I haven't a clue how it might get the venturi unless the updraft was so intense it was compressing the air around it, at ground level, then releasing it as it moved upward.

    Edit:  You might take a look about midway down this link page... maybe something there will offer a possible explanation

    But I've seen ram-air venturies ice up on 100 degree days on straight atmosphere.

    Just a guess, if you didn't find a ghost with the other gear.  Would that be the Webster Massacre site?

    Good seeing you posting here, Rider.

  2. So, why were you carrying a thermometer "out in the boonies"? Otherwise, your recording was purely subjective, and may have been the result of a heightened state of suggestibility, due to the combination of the location, and your belief system.

  3. Hi Rider, that certainly sounds unusual. The fact that you recorded the temperature with a thermometer is good data to work with, otherwise you'd just have a subjective experience and that isn't as compelling.

    What could cause this? I've never heard of this before. I'm a chemical engineer and not a meteorologist, but I know that virga is a weather phenomena where a shaft of air, cooled by evaporation of precipitation higher up, can form and hit the ground. They call this a downburst. They can move as well. Perhaps this is what was happening. Did you have any cumulus clouds nearby or was it completely clear? That's the only idea I have right now. Also, are you confident that your temperature sensor was calibrated and functioning well?

    I'll keep my eyes open for more reports like this, it would be interesting to investigate. Also, run this by your local meteorologist and see what he/she says. Usually there is an email link to the weatherman on local news web sites.

  4. I've heard of cows finding and congregating around certain areas of pasture in the summer.It's often led to the discovery of an old mine shaft or cave.In Scranton PA at the coal miners museum you can go down into a coal mine.In the mine there is a year round temperature of 50 degrees(approx.)You can feel the draft even when you can't see the mine entrance.The hot air rising draws the cold air from below.The hotter the air the more cold air comes out.That's just one possibility,I'm sure there's a few more.

      By the way if you're ever in Scranton visit the Harry Houdini Museum.You can learn a lot and be entertained as well.I'm assuming it's still there.

  5. I have not heard of this happening before, and would be interested if you update us if you find any kind of logical explanation that sounds good.

    I appreciate the fact that you did measure the cold spot, and observed its movement with instrumentation. At least if we disagree with the paranormality of the situation, we can't argue that the cold spot was there. It gives us something solid to work with.

    I am going to dig around a bit, but please let us know if you find out something.

  6. Wow! Have you proven your mind reading ability to the skeptics yet? You already know the believers and paranormal investigators point of view without hearing it pertaining to your question. The million dollar Randi prize awaits you. I am looking forward to the news of your winning.

    Skeptics are the only ones with scientific answers? All the full members of the Parapsychological Association that hold doctoral degrees (most in conventional sciences) will certainly be amazed to hear that they have no answers based on science.

    Here is a competent answer based on science from a believer and investigator.

    I don't know. If I were to investigate this experience. I would want to return to the location if possible with conditions as close as possible to see if it could be replicated.

    I would also want the opinion of a meteorologist (and or atmospheric physicist). Of course if they were interested in answering your question their answers wouldn't be based on science because they would be contributing to a paranormal investigation.


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