I am a firm believer in other-worldly spirits and their ability to interact with us, even possess human beings. I've had paranormal experiences of my own since age eleven that have no rational explanation. At any rate, I have watched lots of programs on psychics, intuitives, mediums, and the like, for many years, and feel that one who is open-minded can easily differentiate between credible witnesses and those who are not. Every now and then, skeptics are included in these TV segments, giving their explanations of what "could" have been happening, or outright saying the entire event is a lie, embellished, imagined, or explained by some natural and common occurence. I notice, however, that these 'popular' skeptics always seem to pick and choose only certain minor portions of an event to debunk, leaving the more incredible completely unaddressed. Why? It seems to me these skeptics I see on TV all the time are the ones who should be regarded with suspicion, and more about self promotion.