
Question for smart atheist?

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i know that's an oxymoron but.... if there is no GOD please explain why and how any matter at all exists.... if there was a big bang, then how can nothing... explode?




  1. The Big Bang Theory does not state that nothing exploded.

    Please learn about the Big Bang Theory as I did- by reading books and attending college classes.

    BTW, a Catholic priest ( Georges Lemaître) proposed the Big Bang Theory, not an atheist.

    And by claiming smart atheist is an oxymoron, you are only demonstrating your own ignorance- not mine.

  2. There really wasn't a bang more like an implosion.  Besides you wouldn't hear a thing anyway.

    Not an atheist,


    Hmm, was the thumbs down because I was wrong about the "implosion" or " the no sound in space"?  Or is it because I said I am not an atheist? Makes me wonder.

  3. fu... I have a question for any smart christians (coincidentally is also an oxymoron... infact anything with the words 'smart' and anything relating to humans is an oxymoron)

    but, insults aside, there are many theories for this. You should study them or look them up BEFORE you go around insulting random people (or are you that bored. believe me, if you are I sympathise completely). There is of course the cyclical model, with time and space being a circle, no begining or end. so it has always existed according to that. an the big bang did not explode from nothing, you are mistaken. It exploded from a singularity, and that singularity came from the shrinking of another universe. but dude, LOOK IT UP instead of bothering with this site.

  4. How do you know for sure what an oxymoron is when you don't even understand basic high school science?

  5. Just to add, the whole concept of 'nothing' is a very human construct that simply does not exist.

  6. "if there is no GOD..."

    I think you need to study what atheism means. Atheism by definition is the lack of belief in gods. It does not technically preclude belief in other supernatural phenomenon. Some Buddhists are considered atheists. Other people are spiritual and believe in an afterlife without deities.

    "please explain why and how any matter at all exists.... "

    I look at the universe in an empirical way. I study physical processes to understand how everything works. I consider the scientific method to be a profound search for truth. In my world view, a naturalistic universe does not require supernatural intervention of any kind. Every process, from evolution to the Big Bang (which is not the pyrotechnic explosion you may imagine) can be explained without resorting to "God did it."

    At the time just prior to the Big Bang, everything that exists was in an exceptionally small amount of space at maximum entropy. I have no idea why the Big Bang occurred and I'd like to find out.

    Saying "God did it" is crude, redundant in theism, and a profession of ignorance. There are several grammatical errors in your query. If you wish to question the intelligence of the people around you, perhaps it would be best to sharpen your own wit first.

  7. Hahahahhaahhaha!


    So how does "God" explain any of those mysteries?  Just because you decided that it would suffice for an explanation, right?  There sure isn't any evidence for God.

  8. Don't see where any god figures can be involved in the answer to that question.

    "I don't understand how this could have happened"

    " Ahhh, yes, well, that was god that was"


    What finely honed analytical (emphasis on the first syllable ! ) minds you lot have.

    On the subject of oxymorons :

    Christian scientist

    Open minded christian / muslim.

    Still, not your fault. Each to their own.

  9. Here are just 2 possible, natural explanations for matter

    1)matter is a causal primary, it has always existed

    2)The negative energy involved in 'creating' matter is exactly offset by the positive form we typically refer to as energy.

  10. See science category!!

    And please spare us from your attempt or any future attempts of trying to be a comic!!  Your failure is embarrassing!

    Let's face it, you have no talent!

  11. You say God  can just exist but matter and/or energy can't?  How does that work?  Let me guess - you also believe that matter cannot be created or destroyed, therefore it was created, and you can't see the contradiction.

    The big bang wasn't an explosion.  It was a rapid expansion of highly compressed matter.  No one said it was "nothing."  Try getting your science information from a science class instead of Hovind videos and Chick tracts.  

  12. You can't actually have nothingness in the real world, because even if you could take away all the atoms, all the radiation, all the forces in a volume of space, you'd still have the 'quantum vacuum'.  The fundamental probabilistic nature of reality doesn't allow complete nothingness to exist.

    So, the big bang didn't come from nothing, because nothing can't exist.  Also, if you think about causality, it's not possible to have an infinite regression of causes, so at some point there must have been an uncaused, and therefore completely random event responsible for the existence of the universe.  That means there is no reason or cause for the big bang other than the fact that existence itself is probabilistic (random) rather than deterministic (cause and effect).

  13. All atheists aren't physicists.  Why do Christians think we are?

  14. I like how you assume that god could have always existed but simple matter/ anti matter…….. Well that’s just madness!!!!!!!!!

    Although it is currently believed to have expanded from a singularity, so nothing existed before the "big bang" (big expanding would be more accurate) not time, matter, anything

    How could something come from nothing....... we don't really know to be honest but lets face it a all powerfull being existing for ever makes less sence.

    And we do have data that show the universe must have had a begining, as in not just "poof" it is.

  15. The Big Bang didn't start with "nothing."  Look it up, wiseguy.  

    And not in your Homeschoolers Big Book Of Pastor-Approved Science.

  16. Stephen Hawking doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

    But I guess he isn't smart, huh?

    P.s. there is not a single theory related to the BB that posits 'nothing' exploded.

    In fact, not a single theory even describes it as an 'explosion' (it was an expansion). So I'm curious, with your obvious lack of education and ignorance, how is it you have the nerve to ridiculue a theory you know nothing about?

  17. There is no God, but there is matter. Simple just like you.

  18. Wow...oxymoron?  That's a big word for such an uneducated, disillusioned Christian like yourself. did Christ turn water into wine?  How did he survive all those days in the desert?  Is your answer, "it was a miracle"?

    Think of it that way.  Big Bang theory was a miracle.  Dilemma solved.

  19. Curl up and die.  In "heaven" you can research the big bang theory.

  20. if you type your question into the search feature, you'll get an array of answers.

    also, stating that "smart atheist" is an oxymoron is a real.. grr.. "smarty pants" way to try and low blow people you've never met.  if you want to be treated with respect, try acting like an adult.

    and actually, you've gotten a ton of responses to where the matter came from.. they're telling you to TRY and use your brain, and to look it up yourself.  we have no obligation to inform you of things you should have learned in grade school.

  21. well here is an answer from a smart pagan.  (i think it was rude to say that a smart atheist is an oxymoran, when you are obviuously a dumb christian).  but the concept of the big bang starts with this ball of matter that was super heated and super compressed (i watch the science channel a lot) then when it got so hot it just exploded.  just because there is matter it doesn't mean that god did or didn't create it.  your question is flawed because you aren't interested in an answer you just wanted to be rude to atheists.  and that makes you a piece of... well a piece of something...

  22. precisely. they have no proof of it happening.

  23. Did "God" create the f***s in your toilet bowl???

    There's your Answer.

  24. 10th grade biology is calling. Please go and take it.  

  25. If there is a GOD, please explain why and how he came to exist.

    If you are a reasonably bright theist, you will seriously ponder my question and yours separately and together for a few minutes and...

    Then you will realize that they are the same question.

    Neither has to be answered for our beliefs to remain sound.

    However, you may wish to ponder another assumption of mine...that is...if you really wish to think out-loud with a mature atheist.  (Smart is a rather subjective judgment.  Mature follows more objective standard)

    Do you accept Occam's razor?  Why or why not?

    Do you accept that my theory (without GOD) has fewer assumptions than your theory (with GOD)?  Why or why not?

  26. *drink*

    "Nothing" didn't explode. Accumulation in the vacuum of space was so much in such a condensed space, it turned into matter, then the consentration of matter exploded.


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