
Question for smokers only please-?

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My state now has where you can't smoke in restaurants or bars. I can see restaurants but BARS. Do you feel that that's aliitle to extreme?




  1. well even tho iam a smoker i also see the perspectiv of the non smokers  i just think if the resturants would be designed better everybody could be happy!

  2. Forcing laws upon restaurant and bar owners is totally wrong.  It's their businesses and they should not be told how to run them. Should the owner of an establishment decide to go smoke free, that's his dissuasion, not the government's.

  3. We've had it here in California for what seems like forever. I do think it's crossing the line for bars.

  4. If people are that concerned about cigarette smoke, don't go where it's at.  In family restaurants and bowling alleys and places like that, yes, it's more understandable.  But children should NOT be going to bars and other places where they serve alcohol like that.  In MN you can't smoke anywhere, and not only that, you can't smoke within 20' of an entrance to a business.  My fiancee and I have saved a lot of money by not going out now because we can't smoke while we are there.  But I think that this is just one more place that the government has stepped into our lives without our consent.

  5. I am quitting smoking now-cause I want to. But I really feel like we are in a communist country.Tell us where to smoke-no more freedom of speach-Rules and more rules!!! I hate being told what I can and can't do.I know dinkers need to smoke when drinking-so the Bars are going to lose money.They will drink at a party or at home.I don't drink but thats what I would do if i did. I hate the whole Government!!!

  6. It is a little extreme but I'm just happy I don't live in Cali.  You can't even smoke in your apartment there.

  7. Well the majority of people don't smoke, so I guess they can make laws that allow people to breathe with ease.

  8. I'm not a smoker, but banning it in bars does seem a bit awkward. I always thought people went to bars to party, smoke, and get drunk...

  9. it is way too extreme.  I cannot agree with the rule in either place.  more goverment control of the people.  the minority control the majority, under the guise of we know what best for you.......blah blah blah

  10. As a Libertarian, I can't understand how government can tell any privately owned company what they can or cannot do with their own business.

  11. It's great. Now we don't have to breathe your filthy smoke. People who smoke don't realize how bad it stinks since they are so used to it. People who don't smoke shouldn't  have to inhale that c**p. Besides, the majority doesn't smoke.

  12. Think of your non-smoking friends? They can now go out in bars without having to passive smoke or go home stinking of smoke.

    Smokers tend not to think of the health problems they cause non-smokers, and just complain that they can't smoke here, or smoke there etc..

    Anywhere where food or drink is served should be smoke free, and that goes for anywhere crowds gather including bus stops, sports events etc..

    It's great for everyone, the non-smokers get clearer air, the smokers save money and live longer. BONUS!!

  13. I don't smoke but  I guess they are trying to be polite to others who don't smoke. There has been alot of people dying from second hand smoke.

  14. I believe you should be allowed to use your property as you see fit. If you own a restaurant or a bar and you think that you could increase business by establishing a no smoking policy you should be free to make that decision.

    Conversely, If you feel that it is not necessary to ban smoking you should be free to do that.

    Let the free market decide where people want to spend their money.

  15. Yes I do think that is too  my state they stopped it all too... Bars should be ok to  smoke in  but who are we to say?

  16. I think it's wonderful.  You can always go outside to smoke.

  17. Our society is overburden with outrageous litigation.Every time you turn around somebody is introducing a law to curtail one's  given civil liberty.Meanwhile we can't control our borders and we have selective enforcement.Restaurants and bars would outsource their business if they could like every other corporation is doing now a days.

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