
Question for smokers?

by  |  earlier

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why did you start smoking? do you regret it?




  1. i first tried it when i was like 10 but been smoking since i was 14 and yes i really regret it!

  2. I started at the age of 14 for looking cool in teenager eyes.... our friends gathering did smoking in some public places far away from our houses.... but later I found I am facing problem of full of breath while playing sport like cricket... in which fast running required.then I decided to quit smoking... because smoking badly damage man internally.after quit smoking I feel better then before.

  3. 16,, a lil

  4. (Thought it was) Fun! No regrets, 'cos quitting was not (in my case) difficult!

  5. 14 Yes now i smoke a pack of Newport 100's everyday

  6. you know when u smoke ur first cigerette you get that head buzz. well that was the reason and it is one of my worst habits now and if i could take back smoking i would do it in a second

  7. I started because I wanted to be like my older sister. I don't regret it one bit. I enjoy it every day.

  8. I started smoking due to peer pressure and partying. YES, I regret it every single day of my life! It's an addiction that is very hard to quit, although I am trying. As they say...I won't quit quiting. I also encourage the younger generation that if you don't smoke, don't start. Learn from your elders who do smoke and watch how their health deteriorates because of it. Smoking is not cool and it won't make you friends.  

  9. I had a fascination with smoking as a young child, like 3 or 4. Then, when I was 12, I saw a woman letting her 18 month old daughter smoke, and I was really jealous, so that made me want to try it. I tried it, and I loved it, and I still do! My only regret is not starting when I was 3!

  10. For an unusual reason I just don't wanna talk about. Sometimes yes.
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