
Question for someone who has taken a lot of ovulation tests...?

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Alright, a little background:

My husband and I have been trying for exactly two years now. Just in the past couple months I finally started to have my period on my own (without Provera). I think this is due to the combo of Clomid and Metformin I am on. Anyways, I've gone through a bunch of the cheap ovulation strips I got on ebay over the past couple years with not a single positive. I figured I wasn't ovulating so I finally purchased some First Response strips to see if they would say anything different. The first day (Sunday) that I used one it was very positive. So I took one of the cheap ones and it said negative so I took another of the First Response to double check and it was positive again. So WooHoo! I took another on Monday because I was still in disbelief and it was positive again. Then, I took one on Tuesday and it was again positive. So I got upset and thought I was using faulty strips (to get positives three days in a row) so we went to the store, purchased another brand and that one came out positive as well. I doubt both brands were faulty. So, after all that my question is:

Has anyone ever had positive ovulation strips multiple days in a row? Up to how many? and Why?

Thanks so much!




  1. Hi,

    I have been taking tests on a daily basis now for some time and have not had a single positive. I have been using Clear Blue Digital which are not cheap and not 1 single positive. I have even tested more than once a day and still nothing. I have however had symptoms of ovulation and then subsequent period so have been really confused as to what is really going on. I have just been for an ultrasound today and they have confirmed my feelings that I have ovulated this month and that I will soon get my period. I have now come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter how much you spend on the tests, sometimes they are just not right. I am now going to quit taking the tests, stop the stress and disappointment of the daily negatives and save the cash and hope one day I need it to furnish a nursery! I was diagnosed with PCOs a number of years ago and was warned that women with PCOs have high levels of LH hormone and will often have 'false' positives with the tests, again this does not seem to ring true for me. My advice would be to ditch the tests and just enjoy trying.

  2. It can be positive up to 5 days

  3. Hi! :) I know the ovulation strips are so FRUSTRATING! I tried the cheap store brand ones and the First Response ones; I found them maddening. Five days of positives, I got sometimes: very faint, faint, kind of strong, kind of strong, kind of strong, sorta faint, faint. (What use is that?!)

    THEN I got ClearBlue Easy Digital! Problem solved- it gives you a digital happy face when you are ovulating, and it never gave it to me for more than 24-36 hrs. it worked for us, 2nd cycle on the ClearBlue, I'm pregnant! Costs a little more but SO worth it- I used the rest as HPTs and they were effective at that too!

    Good luck :)

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