
Question for someone who knows or has been on the Atkins diet..?

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Does it matter WHAT you eat?

For example..

for the induction phase, do i have to eat what is on the meal plans?

or can i eat whatever i want, AS LONG as its 20 net carbohydrate or less. Does it matter exactley what you eat, or if you are getting a certain amount of carbs. for the day..

thanks in advance people, i dont need lectures on how dangerous it is for you.. its for my sister, and her physican is well aware.




  1. I did it but I stayed on the intro part, they say do intro for 2 weeks max after that you can add more carbs. But staying on intro I lost 11 pounds in a week


    on that website there is a video about how to lose 20 pounds in 3 - 4 weeks maybe you should watch it. x

  3. What most people don't understand about ketosis inducing diets is that the body switches to burning fat for fuel. That part most people get but to trick the body into believing that you are getting enough fat to sustain life you really have to eat a lot of fat. Some people think they will lose weight faster by eating lean proteins only and they end up not getting enough calories. Their bodies never truly "believe" there is not a famine and they go into starvation mode. the weight you lose in the beginning of the Atins diet is all water. So you end up having to really stay on the diet for awhile to se fat loss. Here lies the problem with the diet.. It gets disgusting eating high fat/high protein all the time. Your body will constantly be starving for carbohydrates. (it doesn't like burning fat for fuel). So you walk around not thinking about the opposite s*x or a your upcoming vacation but you obsess over that piece of pizza you see someone eating. When you crack and binge out, your diet is blown and it takes awhile to get back in tune. Meanwhile your body will be storing fat at an alarming rate and you gain back all of your weight quickly.

    This is not really a diet for the masses and, like every other diet, does not work for sustained weight loss.

    I use a variation of the Atkins diet developed by Mauro DiPasquale called the Anabolic diet. Its for bodybuilders though.

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