
Question for stay at home parents?

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How do you keep your child entertained while you do cleaning and chores? My daughter is 2 and she is an only child so she always wants to be around me. I can't get anything done, if I am doing laundry she throws stuff I have folded (I have tried giving her her own basket with blankets/towels) but she still wants what I have. If I am doing dishes she is taking what I have washed and throws it back in. I feel bad punishing her (time out) because she is just trying to help but I am at my wits end I feel like I can't get anything accomplished. Also her room is on the first floor but I can't just put the baby gate up because it is not a typical doorway. Thanks in advance.




  1. I used to put my daughter in a high chair and give her crayons and paper.  She would colour away for quite a while.  If she lost interest in that I would give her a little bowl of water and let her splash in it. It used to amaze me how interested she would be to splash the water that spilled on the tray of the chair.LOL  Pull the chair over to whatever you are doing and let her sit right beside you.

  2. I remember how hard that was for me. I think it was so much easier when  i had more than one just for that reason. Don't worry,  she'll soon be out of that phase and want to do her own thing.

    For now, hmm,  while you're in the kitchen, maybe put some bubbles in a bowl on the table for her to play with or keep her crayons and coloring books in a kitchen cupboard for easy access while you're in the kitchen. I know a lot of time is spent in the kitchen. This helped me a lot

    A movie while you clean is always good.

  3. Positive reinforcement. When you give her her own basket show her what to do with hers and then give it to her. Praise her for her good work. Give her a papertowl and wet it with windex and let her go to town. Put some preschool music on(abc,twinkle twinkle,ect.) and sing really loud with her. Act like a wacko...sing dance and maybe she'll just stare at you in shock lol. Get her excited about helping you with her own stuff. Maybe buy her a kid's cleaning kit at toys r us. It comes with a little broom and stuff. Build her a tent in her bedroom with chairs and a sheet and put her toys in there maybe. clean one thing and then go play with her. then another and play some more. "wow hunny your playing so well in here" positive reinforcement!! I'm sure your doing great just don't give up cause she learns all your behaviors. If you've said to do something and she refuses make sure to tell her " i asked you to do this and you didn't listen so that's why your in time out for 2 minutes. she'll catch on just be patient. I know it's hard I do it. My son is six now though so he's figured it out. Kid's get bored quickly so clean something quickly and when you return to play start a new activity. keep reminding her how good she's doing playing and she'll enjoy her play time while you clean.. ask her questions about her work." wow where did you learn to fold so good." What color shirt is that your folding" Good Luck and don't give up. She is only two so she doesn't really understand. Two year olds believe everything revolves around them and she'll grow out of it.

    Ps  try dressing her and you up as hannah montana while you clean and sing :)

  4. I use to give my boys a wet rag and let them wash the walls when i was cleaning. Praising them for a wonderfull job so they didn't want to quit.

    I also would but windex on the widow and give them paper towels to wipe it off.

  5. Let her help, but show her how to help properly.

    If you are folding laundry, give her socks to match (it is a good skill for her to practice anyway) or washcloths to fold-any other laundry is going to be too difficult for her to properly fold at her age.  If she starts throwing the laundry you have already folded, correct her and then if she does it again, punish her (time out).

    If you are washing dishes, let her pull up a stepladder and help you dry.  If she starts throwing the dishes back in the water, correct her and then if she does it again, punish her (time out).

    Give her simple chores to do while you are doing chores.  It is good for her to help, and it occupies her.  She can take a wet cloth and wipe down the counters, for instance.

    Another option is to have several toys/activities that are only used while you are doing chores.  The purpose is so that it keeps her interested in it.  Have some crayons for her and a coloring book or blank paper, some magnetic 'paper' dolls, etc.  Perhaps this could be the time she is allowed to watch a favorite video (though the television should never be used as a babysitter, and its use should be limited).

    The baby gate would probably not work, anyway.  At her age she would be able to climb over it if she wanted.  The most important thing, it sounds like, is for you to set boundaries and stick to them.  

    I hope this helps, and I wish you the best!

  6. I know how you feel...I have a one and two year old.  I usually spend morning playing with them...and then, I will put a cartoon on for them our living room, where all their toys are...that usually buys some time to do most of the dishes, then I try to do what I can when they are napping.  They usually take about a two hour nap after lunch.  Also, you could put her in a high chair, and give her a coloring book and two year old loves to color, and that usually occupies him for atleast 20 mins., or give her a snack to eat, that usually buys time too.

  7. LOL I kno what you mean.  Do you have a patio?  If you do just let her go outside with a bike and some toys.  Or do you know anyother stay at home moms in yourneighborhood?  Maybe you can make a deal with them.  Like you babysit their kid for a few hours so they can get houswork done, and then she watches yours for a few hours.  Also, it may help before you begin houseork to get her into something that she really likes so she will be distracted.  Like get her coloring or put some kiddy music on the radio and start dancing with her.  She might be so caught up with dancing that she forgets.  Maybe dance while you do dishes so she doesn't concentrate on you doing that.  With folding laundry, fold on a high table so she cant reach your newly folded clothes and also give her a basket so she doesnt feel left out.

  8. I do it while my daughter is having lunch or a snack!! That keeps her should try that!!

  9. I find this hard to because my daughter does not watch TV (I'd be OK with a 1/2 hour every now and then, but she won't even look at it) so, I do most of it when she is asleep and when she is awake I look for opportunities where she is occupied with something and sneak away and do it. or when she is having a snack I give her something she can eat herself in the highchair and do the dishes and stuff. She's 14 months and very clingy to me. sometimes I let her cry if I'm just going to get something in the next room.

  10. Wow, aren't the two's a great age? I do understand your frustrations though.  Try using  a "kids" size table and chair that can be moved from room to room.  In the kitchen let her set her table with play dishes or Tupperware, or have a tea party with her favorite stuffed animal.  When she gets bored with the dishes try giving her a spray bottle with water and cloth and let her wash her own dishes.  I do that with my two year old.  When I move to another room to clean, I also bring the table with me.  Magnets, playing cards and sea shells for sorting are some of the items I use to keep her entertained while I clean.  I also let her know that "her" table top activity is a very important job.  We both work in the same room but do different tasks.  I also have a time line of sorts, I made pictures of all "our" chores and post them in order on our cork board.  She can look to see what we do next, and likes the routine.Good luck

  11. my son is 2 also and he loves to 'help out' lol so if i really need to do something i put a good kid movie in for him and let him watch it while i am doing what i have to do.

  12. well, i'm not an ADult but i'll just try an Give u a perspective of a chilD.

    when i was arounD 2 i loveD to help my mother clean (i guess its a girl thing) or (Do u have any pets?) u coulD keep her entertained with a pet! OR start to get her familiar with a musical instrument! u never know, one Day she coulD be a musical GENUIS thanks to u! when i was younger i LOVED to color an act. so mabey put her in a room with some erasable markers an some paper. when ur washing the Dishes, is she tall enough to reach the sink? if she is stanDing on something than take it away if she cant get to the sink u Don't have a problem. u can always make a baby gate.... i think. like u coulD make one of wooD, or mabey i shoulD ask this first. how is it not a typical Doorway, Does it like slant? plz leave me some info on that! :)

    well that prob DiD'nt help but.

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