
Question for step kids?

by Guest34416  |  earlier

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I rarely see happy endings to blended families. Tell me, do you like your step parent? Why or why not?




  1. well i like my stepmom but not my stepdad, i mean my s-mom is cool and very nice, on the otherhand my s-dad is a jerk to me and doesnt treat me anything like my other brother which is his son but still..thats y about a month ago i moved out of my moms and stepdads house and moved into my dads house

  2. Well I didn't like my stepmom growing up but we do keep peace now for my dad's sake although I cant say I like her. I am my dad's youngest child and my stepmom is still extremely jealous of me and my relationship with my dad. I'm 27.

    On the other hand, I have been married for 3.5 yrs and my stepkids love me. I think it helps that I know what they are going through and I have learned what not to do from my stepmom.

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