
Question for stepchildren: what is the best thing your stepmother could ever do for you?

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Or what is the best thing your stepmother ever did for you? What would you appreciate the most?




  1. just her being herself...

    you don"t know how annoying it is when they are constantly trying to get you to like them...

    you cant buy there love but you can earn there respect....

    just be your self take them with you somewhere like the park or a walk or something...

    talk to them...

    don't try to get them to talk if they want to talk they will...

    it feels like we are getting interrogated when you ask us like 21 question...

    when you talk to them about what bother you not about them but about you and you life it helps them to see that you don't think that you are perfect...

    and makes them feel like you trust them...

  2. Disappear.  And take her nasty children with her.  The day they all left I celebrated by cooking my daddy a big meal and made him a cake.  She started calling the house but I answered the phone and told her that if she came around any more I would shoot her.  She kept calling so I had the phone company change our home phone number and I told my dad it was because some guy at my school was harassing me.  She finally came over one day while my dad was at work and I called the cops.  They found a warrant for a traffic ticket and hauled her stupid a** off to jail.  I parked her car at the grocer store and left it there.  I don't know what ever became of her.  I hope she died.  

  3. the best thing my step mom did for me was just LEAVING ME ALONE!  

  4. she's a kind person. she didn't resent me, always welcomes me, and to this day i thank her for that.

  5. I'm an adult now, but what my step-mother gave me was the most important lessons in a females life.  There was the facts of life, explained nicely, not how my own mother did it by throwing a bag of maxi-pads at me and tell me I'm a w***e now.  She taught me how to be a lady, what was important in life in order to succeed.  

    The entire time she acted more like a friend, but with that "motherly" feeling.  

  6. If she doesn't get between my father and I. My stepmother did that and ruined my relationship with my father with her manipulation and deceit!  

  7. i'm not a stepchild to anyone .. but for a step mom you should not try too hard to get close to them .. just be there when they get into a situation where the need really need a mom and not a dad

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