
Question for teachers? Elementary or Secondary?

by Guest44895  |  earlier

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Why do you think we have witnessed such an increased interest in educational assessment during the past decade or so?




  1. We have become the most tested - and least evaluated educational system on earth.  The test makers (manufacturers of tests) sold the republicans on the idea of holding teachers accountable for student performance by frequently testing students with tests from for-profit corporations.

    This has become a disservice to education in the opinion of most educated professionals in the field.

  2. So that the government has something to prove that they are doing "something" to show improved results.  Personally, these assessments don't mean much in the grand scheme of things as the government will interpret the results any which way and the results aren't very accurate anyways - the people that dictate how they should be marked should go to teacher's college (again if they're teachers) and see what a fair assessment/marking scheme looks like.  As teachers we go along with it because the government conveniently rights it in our curriculum and forces us to "teach to the test" as someone just said.  I think all this standardized testing is actually losing the kids we're trying not to as we get so focused on teaching to the test, that these kids sometimes get lost along the way.  Makes you wonder if the goal of all this is actually being reached doesn't it?

  3. Our kids are falling behind the curve compared to other countries -- China, Japan, etc.  Therefore, we have to assure they are getting the basic skills to succeed each grade level.  Believe me, I have to give the tests, and they are horrendous. However, if they help guide the process of learning by ensuring grade level specific skills are mastered, I guess we need them.

  4. well if u want big trouble makers then secondary id you want wild kids elementary its depends how what you can handle the most

  5. Yes, and you can thank No Child Left Behind for all that c**p.  All it does it teach to the test.

  6. Everyone likes to see measurable results... even if those results are meaningless and tell only a fraction of the story.  

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