
Question for teens about interest in astrology?

by Guest59897  |  earlier

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Do your parents and/or friends know that you are interested in astrology? What do they think of it? Approve or disapprove or ambivilent? Do any of you have a parent that got you interested in astrology? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being very, how interested are you in learning more about astrology and yourself?

What sign is your Sun? and if you know... Moon, and Saturn?

You parents' signs?

Thanks everyone!

Silly and serious answers are welcome.




  1. lol i'm the only one of my environment that used to consider astrology..... few friends know and they kind of ignore that.....

  2. Im intrested only because my horoscope is almost always on point. it kinda scares me a little.

    my sun is scorpio, my moon is aries. i

  3. Hi Jamie,

    I have two boys - one a teenager.  I just asked him this question, and he said "3 or 4 maybe." It is not a subject that we discuss, really - he just thinks it is something that interests me.  That may change as he gets more involved in social groups and is befuddled by why people do and say things that defy rationality from his perspective, or maybe not.

    Anyway, I really just wanted to say that this is another good question.

  4. Hey Jamie! Ok i had to go on this account since i couldnt find your qusetion on the other one. anyway, My mom knows that im interested in astrology, but she doesnt know that im so deep in it. She thinks that i only know about the regular sun signs. I dont really bother discussing astrology with her since she thinks its a load of c**p. Some of my friends know, not all of them though. It's not really a topic they like to talk about. But its not like they dont approve they just find the topic quite boring. My cousins and sisters on the other hand, they def. know how into astrology i am. my cousins are always asking me questions like 'what does rising mean what does this and that mean'. my sister nini and i discuss it when it comes to dating lol. and my oldest sister and i discuss it almost all the time! She's the one that got me into astrology when i was about 13.

    10! I want to learn more more more.. but its sooooooooo hard. It's like math to me ( I suck at math..never really understood it) when im done reading my medical book i will buy an astro book to help me. The only reason i really like astrology is the fact that i could TALK about it.. i like discussing it its sooooooo much fun for me.


  5. Yes, my friends and family know I  have an interest in astrology, I've actually got most of them into it now. But it is just for fun, to me anyway. My mom got me interested when I was younger. I'm interested, I would say 7/10. But I try not to read too much into it.

    Scorpio sun

    Saggitarius moon

    Capricorn Saturn

    Mom is a Libra. Dad is a Saggitarius.

  6. My mother was the person who got me into astrology and she is very interested in it herself. And her mom was the one who got my mom into's like a pattern lol. Oh, and she knows I'm into it.

    My friends are sorta into it...they're more like..."cool, Taurus rising...does that get me chicks or something?" So I don't really know about them lol.

    I guess I would be like an 8 or 7 about learning more about astrology...

    Gemini Sun

    Libra Moon

    Pisces Saturn

    My mother is a Gemini

  7. on the scale,I give a 10.

    My dad PLANNED me to be a Leo.He also planned my sister to be one..UGH.

    They know I am interested in astrology.They DO approve,even though in some places in the Rambam's book it says that it's bad and stuff..

    I believe in it,since I find it very accurate.My dad will always tell me 'You are a LEO!Be proud!You are the queen' and I would feel happy,he started telling me about the Leo sign when I was young,and when looking back it was so true.I was the 'queen' of the class.

    I got about 30 people interested in astrology,always asking them when they were born.

    And then,I'll get their birth chart done.They will read the explanation and will go like 'that's true.'

    Leo sun

    Sag moon

    Aquarius rising

    Capricorn Saturn I think...

  8. Hi Jamie,

    The people around me are very aware of my interest in astrology since I often pepper it into my conversations and observations. Many of them do not understand much about it, but are often willing to listen to what I have to say. I have a few friends that think I'm completely crazy, but I don't let that discourage me. My mom knows that I am into astrology, and I often talk to her about it quite a bit. Actually, one of her good friends is very immersed in astrology and has studied it for years, and was the person that originally got me into it in the first place. My mom doesn't know much about it, but she is always willing to listen to what I say, and believes that it does have an effect. I have always been interested in occult related sciences, and tend to enjoy doing research. I mainly got myself into astrology by starting with the Sun sign, and feeling the need to dig deeper.

    I'd say that right now my interest is on the 10 scale, because I find that I can apply so much of it to my life. I hope to continue learning more and developing my skills.

    My Sun is in Libra, Moon in Cancer, and Saturn in Capricorn.

    My mother is a Cancer Sun/Pisces Moon, and my father is an Aquarius Sun/Taurus Moon.  

  9. Yep, feel Eden's pain when it comes to a general planned month of birth.  :/ And yes, my parents aren't like astrologers are anything or psychics, it's just that they have a general awareness about it and I have no clue why they'd want an aquarius... no offense to me, haha... well, cause they're virgo and taurus.  Odd, huh?  But they kind of just told me about it when I was little, but we as a family I guess don't believe in it "hardcore,"  you know, kind of just for fun, but still, my parents wanted a specific sign for their own child, being me, you know?  I don't know, it seems like aquarians run in our family a lot, and my cousin's due with one actually right now, haha, oh, and yeah tauruses too.  So in a nutshell, yeah, I do answer and ask questions about it, but people on Yahoo! might not realize I don't take it too seriously.  When I meet people, I don't ask them immediately when their birthday is, lol! :)  If I find out through time, then that's fine with me, you know?  Wow, wonder if I make sense...So on a scale of 1-10, I'd say 5, 6 1/2. 7 maybe?  Possibly? How about 5 1/2?  I'm really bad with the 1-10 scale stuff, so pardon me for that.  And my reason for answering this is because my Yahoo! Contact starred this, and I have a feeling I was one of the people she wanted to answer this question!  lol!  O.k., anyways, Well, oh yeah, I only know limited stuff about what my signs are and whatnot because my parents are interested in astrology, but not to the point of birthcharts.  So here's what I've got for ya: I'm aquarius sun, cancer rising, taurus moon.  Dad is Virgo sun, saggitarius rising, pisces moon (?)    Mom is Taurus sun, scorpio rising, leo moon (?)  Don't hold me 100% accountable, it's been a long time since I've asked them.  Funny though how I'm closer to my dad, always have been.  So, yeah, hopefully I answered your question and probably someone (*wink, wink, alwaysmoving4ward) else will read this.  :)

  10. Yeah they do, except for my dad since we don't talk much. My friends listen to what I have to say but I don't anymore because I can tell they have the slightest clue what I'm talking about. I don't talk about it with my mom because she thinks it's too personal. So that leaves me! The way I actually started getting into astrology was when I was a little kid and I would tag along with my mom for grocery shopping and she would always buy these little rolled up paper horoscopes. I assumed that she knew a lot about astrology. During one year I lived away from her..which was when I was about 11, I would check my horoscope on a lot of websites everyday. I slowly but gradually learned about all 12 signs. I later stumbled upon links that helped me find out my moon sign and all that. I found it incredibly interesting and read more and more about myself. Soon I was doing birth charts on just about everyone, I still am. I think it's amazing how all these planets, signs and houses add up together and it just makes so much sense. But after a few years, I found out my mom wasn't that great with astrology, she only knew her sun sign!

    I'd say a 10.

    I'm a Leo, with a Libra moon and I have Pisces in Saturn.

    My mom is a Sag with a Leo moon and my dad is a Cancer with am Aquarius moon.

  11. I am very interasted, my mother got me into it. She was a scorpio. My sun sign is a Leo and moon is Virgo. My interast is a 10. Most people who know me know I'm interasted dont pay much attention except my mother ofcourse. oh and my saturn is aquarius.

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