
Question for tennis players?

by  |  earlier

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i'm going to start tennis in a couple of weeks and i need to buy a raquet. i have no idea which on is good or what size to get. please help!




  1. It will vary from player to player. No magically racquet is going to help you become a better player. For beginners, I advise buying a cheap racquet that you feel comfortable using and slowly over time, figure out what type of racquet you like best, how much you want your strings to be tighten, etc.

    In case you wonder, graphite racquets are the best.

  2. go to a specialty shop where they can help you determine the perfect type of strings and racket.  it's different for everyone.

  3. Just get a cheaper racket since you just started.

    Get the oversize, it has more sweetspot so you can hit mistakes and still get the ball in.

    I recommend the brand Prince for beginners. It is pretty cheap but give pretty good performance.

  4. Beginners should use oversize heads.  Any racquet with a head larger then 115 square inches should be adequate for you.

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