
Question for the Spanish people in the house?

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where's bani kassem located in Spain?




  1. Hi, I think that the place you are looking for is Benicasim, originaly Beni Qassim, it is a coastal town on the old Kingdom of Valencia, today Autonomia de Valecia and its in the regiof of Castellon, it is a town by size and history. It is a famous tourist resort with many beautiful  beaches in the mediterranean coast.

    Double clicking below will take you to the english pages of the Benicasim town. In Valencia they speak Valencian language, although everywhere they speak spanish and they are not resiliant to use it with anyone just for communication sake. The web page has maps, tourism, activities, evenst, sports, hotels, name it.

    Before the Reconquista of Spain from the Moors, the Castle of Montornés constituted one of the most important Arabic feuds in these territories. The castle was destroyed although little is known about its  destruction and the causes that motivated it. Nevertheless, it is known that the Castle was inhabited until  the end of the XV century .

    As is deduced by its name, the castle belonged to the tribe of the Beni Qásim - "children of Qásim" - that occupied the castle of Montornés before the Christian conquest. The castle was first conquered by el Cid - "el Sidi" and finally by the king Jaime I of Aragon. The differences in spelling and pronounciation are due to the fact that in Araba the vowels are generally omitted, and that the K noise they worte it with Q and the actual Spanish wich C. You can learn more about Benicasim at:

    Have fun


  2. on the north side of Spain....check it out on a map, Senorita

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