
Question for the anti mccanns. can you not feel compassion for someone who's child is missing?

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are you so consumed with hate that you have no understanding of their pain? or their loss?




  1. I feel that compassion is something sadly lacking by many anti McCanns on here    I have just watched the case of Timothy Spencer who murdered a 15 year old in her own bedroom while her parents slept in the same house. He tied her up, raped her and then strangled her. Yes the McCanns did make a mistake not knowing an abductor was in the area  Its so easy to be wise after an event They also have lost a little daughter but I hope that Maddie has not met the same fate of that poor 15 year old

  2. To do this, you'd have to accept that Kate and Gerry McCann aren't demons but ordinary parents caught in a nightmare situation.  And you'd have to accept that someone else was responsible for the disappearance of Madeleine McCann - and the self righteous and judgemental would never accept that.

    The accusations against the Mccanns have always amazed me - I have never been able to understand why people were so disgusted at the pictures at Kate McCann, holding out a photograph of Madeleine to the Pope to be blessed.  I saw a grieving, frightened mother, others saw a fame-seeking woman on a jaunt.

    There are two views to this story - you can look at it with compassion and empathy or you can look at it with burning self righteous indignation thinly disguised as concern for Madeleine.

    It's up to each individual - the pity is that the more vitriolic cause such damage.  And in the meantime, the search for a little girl has been forgotten in the squabbling.

  3. I do not know them so I could not hate them , what I do know is the child is missing as a result of their selfish actions before and after the child went missing, "THAT I DO HATE "

  4. Firstly I'm not an anti-McCann, but nor am I a pro-McCann.  My Mum was a single parent and never once did she leave us alone on a holiday.  There are 2 of them, and still one couldn't have baby-sat because they both just had to go out.  They didn't even make use of the baby-sitting service that was available to them, and I'm sure they weren't short of a bob or two to pay for it.

    I don't believe they had anything to do with her disappearance, but their actions allowed it to happen.

    I have compassion for her siblings but it is difficult to have compassion for parents who couldn't look after their children when they had every opportunity to do that.  I do feel for them in that the guilt they feel must be immense.

  5. Do you ever feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall??!

    Have a star for bravery and the fact that you wont get many reasonable answers :)

  6. I don't view then as someone to hate i view them as people who cant take responsibility for their own actions.

    Their neglect led to that child going missing and it is of no use to blame the police like they are doing.

    It is not for the police to look after their children, it is up to them and the sooner they realise this the better it would be for them

    Edit: I find it hard to have compassion for people who have shown no compassion to their own children.That's the way i have been brought up your children come before anything, period :)

  7. No,theirs is an all consuming hatred.They are fit to burst with hatred.Compassion?They don't have the capacity.You can only feel sorry for people that lack the full range of emotions.(waits for a flurry of activity from the emotionally bereft,lol. Go on,knock yourselves out.)

  8. I agree with you completely...yes they made a mistake by trusting  a flawed baby sitting service, but many more would (and thousands if not millions had up until this disaster).  The depravity of some of these people (not all, some just wish to express an opinion) is beyond comprehension.

    And you are right same old stuff regurgitated by jealous people



  10. I have nothing but compassion for parents who have lost a child, but I have none what so ever in this case. Where may I ask was theirs when they were going out of a night leaving those small children to fend for themselves. This may or may not have slipped your notice, but it wasn't a one off. The staff at the resort offered to baby sit those children as they knew what was going on but were denied and you ask about compassion, I say again where was theirs.

  11. i feel for the wee lass missing not them two, god knows whats going threw her mind if still alive!!!!how could they leave her in the room alone and go fora meal across the way i dont know id never let mine out my sight. maybe thats why allot dont care for them.

  12. If I believed their story I would have compassion as it is I don't believe a word they say, these liars are directly involved in their daughter's disappearance.

  13. No i don't feel compassion for them and why should i? What have they done to deserve compassion? What about their daughter? She could be god knows where being subjected to only gods knows what. No parent deserves to go through what they might be going through but then again what kind of parents would act so irresponsibly towards their kids? Like i have said before Madeline is the only one i feel sorry for in all of this, i hope that she's found well and alive.  

  14. I do not Hate the McCanns, I do not know them to say i hate them

    Its the Pro's that always use that word, so Juvenile really

    We only hate the fact that Justice has not been done for poor little Maddy

  15. I feel no compassion for the McCanns at all.  Even if they weren't directly involved with the dissapearance of Madelaine they are very, very guilty of child neglect.  I feel for that poor child whether she's alive or dead, she certainly didn't deserve to be left alone in a foreign country while the mother and father dissapeared for a meal out, even if it was only 50 metres away. Who leaves their children alone while abroad - I didn't even leave mine when we were holidaying in this country let alone abroad.

  16. Hope you do not mind me answering.I have always felt for them & Maddie.I have always believed she was abducted to order for some childless couple.If its true what is coming out then the Portugese Police want prosecuting.Just after Maddie went missing there was a program on ITV they were talking to a portugese bloke is ex wife had been given 14 years for killing there daughter.He said she was same age as Maddie & similar circumstances.The mam went to the shops when she got back her little girl had vanished.The mam had been battered into making a confession exactly the same words as they wanted Maddies mam to say & it was the same copper.To this day the little girls body has not been found.I know they left there kids on there own & they are paying a terrible price.My heart is with them.

  17. I agree with you, all I've ever felt is pity for the grief that they are going through, I would never like to experience their pain.

  18. My heart would bleed for any genuine parent who was grieving. The thought makes me ill but the Mc's are an acceptation to the rule. They are arrogant cold people who have caused all of this to happen. I don't believe their version of events and believe they know exactly what happened to their child and have with the help of 'political friends' have deceived and covered up a heinous crime. So no I don't have sympathy for them, my heart bleeds for Madeleine the innocent victim in all this. And I truly hope that someone somewhere is brave enough to reveal the truth and bring justice and the poor child can be allowed to rest in peace.

  19. yes i feel sorry for people whos child is missing ,but then then again most of the poor bas'tards whos child goes missing dont leave them in a strange place to fend for themselves ,to go out on the p'iss and be completly selfish .

  20. Why should you be intersested? your hate mongering. So you see your as bad.

  21. I openly admit that I find it very difficult to sympathise with someone who puts thier own pleasure before the safety of thier children.Some one who dispite their tiny daughter saying "where were you last night mummy when we were crying"could yet again leave thier children unprotected and alone.Am I wrong to assume that it is a basic and inbuilt maternal instinct to protect ones offspring at all times.

  22. dont feel for them just the poor child, i mean come on, how does a child go missing in a busy holiday resort with no-one really seeing nothing?, its obvious that they had something to do with it, and children are never kidnapped from their bedrooms lets face it, the whole thing just stinks. they know perfectly well what happened to her.

    they should be being prosecuted for leaving the children on their own  and why arent they?

    and yes i am regurgitating the same stuff, because thats what happened, and as you can see from all the answers not many have COMPASSION, and anyone that does have compassion in this case are idiots,

    and yes i do know what the word compassion means, but i dont think you do!!!!

    ps ive read it and nope sorry still not feeling any compassion to those idiots. how can you feel compassion for them, cuz either way they are responsible for what happened to maddy, even if they didnt kill her , they left her in a dodgy situation and at risk.

  23. Must be a fad today to have lots of children, then ignore them, or just leave them alone because they might be cramping the parent's style.

    There is no hatred for these parents, only pity that they felt they had to neglect their children that night.  When you have a child, your life is forever changed - it's now not all about you, but someone else now occupies your life.  Understand that or do not have them.

  24. I'd just like to say I would like nothing more than the safe return of the girl to her parents and that although this sounds like some sort of hate speech, I do not hate the mccanns, they are worried parents who love their daughter and are scared but a proportion of the blame should fall on them because quite frankly if they had been properly supervising the children Madeline would not have been taken and because the media is completely obsessed with this one girl whereas other missing children have not had nearly as much attention. I just feel that its got to stage where they should realise that the chances of them finding their daughter are slim and instead of putting a 2.5 million pound reward for her return, they should donate the money to a charity or something.

  25. Why should feel compassion for them??

    If they were really in pain for the missing of their child they would have cooperated with the police...

    why did Kate refused to answer 48 questions?

    why did they not take part in the reconstruction of the night?

  26. do i feel sorry for the austrian man who has a daughter who has her life and her children's life in tatters no , my sympathy is with her and her children

    gerry and kate caused it milked it and have behaved badly throughout

    all my compassion goes to madeline the twins and their family

    what about Madeline's pain !!!

    I have never once seen gerry or kate show an ounce of compassion or thanks for the portugese people who searched for their daughter or the man who was stitched up

  27. Sadly, I think you are wasting your time on this one. They have already made up their minds and get regular reinforcement from the Daily Express[Daily McCann] etc.

  28. That is always what i thought, sad for them and mostly for the little girl that is missing

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