
Question for the ladies!?

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I shave down there.. and I have for quite some time now but I always have these stupid red bumps randomly.. I think its so gross and dont know if anyone else gets this, or anything that helps it? - Thanks!




  1. use more soap, shaving cream (ect)

    dont shave it so hard

    i get those bumps sometimes too.

    and red sore. just keep it with lots of

    shaving cream, soap or whatever and

    do it a little softer

    or if not that start waxing

  2. Use lots of shave gel, and make sure that you are exfoliating your skin. the red bumps and pimples are blocked pores and ingrown hairs caused by dead skin. I think its madness to shave though, unless you need to be shaven constantly or something? Use hair removing cream or get it waxed, you wont end up with this nasty stuff!

  3. use another way of shaving ,,

    i think that johnson baby powder will help , , or bebtadeen

  4. haha ur fine just be carful

    waxing is the best way to do it

  5. Its a shaving rash. Moisturise it and it should go down a bit quicker.

  6. This happens to me a lot, its so itchy and ugly. I read somewhere that conditioner (like for your hair) is better than soap and i did that and it does work well.

    Also, just shave everyday. Honestly, i think its the best way, cos i have almost none of the red bumps now.

  7. Try using a cooling gel or after sun sort of thing after you shave, it doesn't keep them from coming totally, but it helps, also, use a moisturizing shave cream when you do it, that helps too. Good luck, those things are annoying.

  8. i get it a lot ! but i get it worse with waxing ! most of the time it is okay if i shave everyday ...but if i leave it a couple of days it flares up ....occasionally i get like little pimples on the red spots too I guess its just shaving rash  

  9. don't shave yourself bare though.

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