I have posted this question before without much response.
Original Question:
TAPS Episode 23 Dr. Ellis' House Footage (2005)? psychics / mediums?
Anyone seen / remember this footage? I was always fascinated by this. Anyone, skeptic or believer, have an opinion as of what happened. Is this evidence of a true psychic? It starts around 5 minutes in the clip. Remember this is a thermal imaging camera, it is recording heat.
If you would like to watch the regular camera to compare, it is at the end of this clip, around 8 minutes in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HWMNcjLXNk
If you would like to see the answers from the first post, two months prior, it is at the following: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080602123336AAkrb1v