
Question for the vegetarians?

by  |  earlier

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i just became a vegetarian 2 weeks ago, and i kinda want to eat meat but im controlling myself and stoppping, i went cold turkey so its really hard, im 16, my question is have any of you vegetarians lost any weight from not eating meat anymore, if so how many weeks did you see results???




  1. i agree with lo_ mcg if your doing this just to lose weight you should quit now. the reason we do this is because we love animals and can't stand the crulty that they go through so we can have a nice meal that's not right.

  2. i actually gained about 10 pounds the first month...

    thankfully, it went away, along with a few more pounds. i would not say it was from being vegetarian, though, just eating less in general.

  3. Ive always been naturally skinny so I dont think ive lost weight.

    Im 15 and have been vegetarian for 2 months.

    I also went cold turkey and it was hard.

    I still sometimes get cravings for a bacon sandwich but you have to be strong.

    Sometimes when im craving for meat i watch movies on the PETA website which gives me the motivation to succeed.

    Good luck!

  4. It isn't a weight loss regime.

    If weight loss is your reason for going vegetarian you may as well go back to eating meat, as a weight loss diet will be just as effective whether you eat meat or not.

    There are vegetarians of all shapes and sizes, from too thin to too fat, just as there are meat-eaters of all shapes and sizes.

    Yes I've lost weight as a vegetarian. I've also put on an alarming amount of weight as a vegetarian. It depended how healthily I was eating at the time, and how much exercise I was getting

  5. Having been a vegetarian for a couple of years, I can tell you that while not eating high fat meat like hamburgers and steaks can help you to lose weight, you still need to watch what you eat. It can difficult to decide and know what to eat in the first month or so, a big portion of most peoples diets consists of meat but you will get it figured soon enough. Don't think that you can eat whatever you want and that it will be good for simply because it is vegetarian. There is plenty of junk food out there for that you can eat but shouldn't if you are looking to lose weight.

    A vegetarian diet can really help introduce you to new things that you would not have eaten otherwise, some of which are great and some that or not so great. If you are wanting to eat meat, there are plenty of good meat substitute products out there. Veggie burgers, hotdogs, etc. They have a different taste and texture but will grow on you if you don't immediately like them.

  6. yes i have ^-^

    i once was 155.

    i am now , 118. :D

    my goal is 110 ,

    so i have to work hard for that.

  7. Vegetarianism is not a weight loss diet.

    It doesn't matter if you eat meat or not. You lose weight by consuming less calories than you burn.

    If you are having a hard time resisting cravings, watch this, it should turn you off from what your trying to avoid.

  8. not when i went veghead, but when i went vegan i lost like five, but i started running alot then too.

    you'll probably lose weight just cut out the junk food and soda

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