
Question for those that either are pregnant, or who have kids and have been pregnant before?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not pregnant, but I definitely do want kids, and have lately been so fascinated by pregnancy and the process. My question is, at what point could you feel your baby moving? Also, were there ways that you could get your baby to move? Like did talking to the baby make them move? Did you moving make the baby move? Or do the babies only move when they want to? My last question is, is it uncomfortable to the mother when they move? I'm not trying to be intrusive, just curious. Thanks in advance! :-)




  1. I had my 1st baby ( a girl ) in sep 2007...i 1st felt her move at 19wks it just felt like bubbles at time got on i would touch my belly when a foot was digging me in the ribs and she would move and squirm. I talked to her everyday i loved it. When i was moving i couldnt really feel her moving as i my moving covered it but sometimes i could and if i was lying down or trying to sleep id feel her. It not uncomfortable when they move i found it more of a bond as it made it more real that there was a baby growing inside me ...sometimes i would get a right thump and that did hurt and sometimes her foot would be in my ribs but u get used to it and then my baby would mainly be active just as i got to sleep which was a lil hard to get to sleep but i loved every single minute.

  2. i think i was around 3-4 months. at first i thought it was gas! - but it's like a little jumping bean in the beginning and then it's like a big blob of mass that rotates and takes you with it! it doesn't hurt just interferes with your balance. he just seemed to move when he wanted. isaw and felt little feet and hands stretching out my tummy.

  3. My wife would feel a 'fluttery' feeling very early on at five or six weeks.  Then when our baby got bigger there were more pronounced movements.  It was amazing to see a large bump suddenly appear on my wife's stomach.  But she never expressed any discomfort on these occasions, mostly it was a source of amusement!  My oldest daughter would constantly get the hiccups while in utero up to four or five times a day!  My wife said that did feel weird.

  4. Well, you can usually feel them moving at about 20 weeks, give or take. I got my baby to move by pushing at made him leave his comfortable spot and have to shift. Umm...talking didn't make him just put him to sleep, but every baby is different. Pretty much when they feel like it. It's not uncomfortable until the last month or so, when the baby is really big and taking up a lot of room. Before then it's just like everyone feels like you have gas bubbles. ^.^ It's great.

  5. No one will find this intrusive, every one that's had a baby loves this topic!

    I felt my son move at about 12 weeks, it was very early but I had just been made redundant (terrific) and I had lots of time to hang out at home just laying around thinking about my baby. I am also very slim which helps.  Drinking orange juice definitely made him move about more, energy charged :) but he did not move in response to me talking to him, not that I could see anyway.

    When they are tiny, you feel funny little movements, hard to describe but if you've ever felt a bubble of gas move across your stomach, it feels like that. When he got bigger, you could see bits of him poking out, like suddenly a big round lump would poke out one size, distorting the way your stomach looked, it was either his head or his butt, and it you rubbed it, he moved to escape you, lol. Sometimes a pokey bit would stick out, like a foot or a hand, but you couldn't tell which, you had to guess.

    Mostly it was beautiful, but sometimes it wasn't very comfortable, it's your body they are stretching around in, but none of the general moving hurt, but sometimes he'd stand on a nerve and that would be like having a pin poked in your cervix, that could make you stand straight up from your chair!

    I read a quote once that said "Once you have felt life inside you, nothing is ever the same." and that's so true, nothing is the same, you love love love that little creature from the time you know it's there, when that second line appears, but once you can feel them moving, they are really your baby and really real. I remember saying to Dan "put your hand just there" and him saying "what was that?? a kick!!" and being the happiest I have ever seen him :) he is so dignified and tough but he looked like a little boy with a new bike.

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