
Question for those who are going to umrah in this season?

by  |  earlier

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muslims brothers and sisters who are going to umrah, are requested for two things, first, please donot try to push any fellow muslim bro/sister in struggle of kissing Hijr-e-Aswad, as kissing Hajr-e Aswad is a sunnah, and troubling a muslim is haram, ( and specially in the Harmain) so donot do the haram thing there, if you cannot kiss it physically, you may kiss it from a distance, with pointing towards it. Allah will give u the reward. Islam is a religion of acceptance, and curbing your desire.

second, go into Riaz-ul-Jannah with patience, and donot make any hastle or distrub any other fellow, as it is very sacred place.




  1. Good reminder... and also, don't try to push your way in to get to Hijr-e-Aswad esp. if you're a woman 'cos you're gonna get squished squashed everywhere... Lol me and my sister almost died.

  2. MashaAllah brother, nicely said, Jazakallah.

    I have been there and I have also face that terrible condition, Thats a place of peace,InshaAllah people will take care if it~!

  3. You are right and hopefully all those goes to perform Umrah understand this.  You can also choose the time when it is less crowded and perform this right.

  4. wow only TC answer :P

    MashAllah nicely said bro. :)

  5. And also after Tarawaweeh as soon the imam says salaam just get up and go otherwise you'll get stuck in the crowds.Especially  if you've  got a pushchair.=)

  6. goodly said brother.. i agree.. there has been a hundred died la couple of years before cause they wanted to throw there sandle at the devil.. this shouldnt of happened..  

  7. I wish i could go to Umrah, but certainly I will keep your words in mind when I'm finally old enough to go, inshaAllah.

  8. Thanks for you to sahre that, and hope your experience gies me way to behave nicely, Inshallah when I go there once in life if Allah wanted me to!

  9. Jazak'Allah Khair for the reminder brother. When my youngest niece went with her family she told me all about her bad experience she is only 6 and still remembers what happened, the woman were pushing and shoving and indeed this is not right

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