
Question for those who grew up in foster care...?

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Frequently in debate about abortion pro-choicers argue that it often would be better for a fetus to be aborted than a child to be raised in "the system." So unscientific as this may be, I am asking those who grew up without parents if they would have "preferred" to just be aborted (which seems abnormal to even think), or moreover, fully understood and supported the decission had thier biological mother chose to do so?

(I am not trying to offend. I am not trying to make a point, abnormal as the question may be. I'm just looking for some perspective and curious as to the converstaion that may arise.)




  1. although my life as a child was unbearable in "the system" ( sexual abuse, physical abuse and mental abuse) I would never wish to be aborted as my life has turned out pretty well with a supportive husband and a beautiful daughter, my own home, and 2 cars, so it isn't so bad!

  2. I think I know what you're trying to ask, but you phrase your question very weird.  How could an unborn child make the decision to fully understand and support their mother's birthing choices?

    To answer though, I've heard many kids who lived with their parents say they wish they were never born.  I think almost every kid says that at some point in their life.

  3. This is not a logical argument or question.  How about all those millions of eggs that are sloughed off through a period every month?  Hey, maybe we need to capture all the sperm we can, too, because those are potential babies, too.    Should we fertilize all of them?

    Of course no one would want to be aborted!  That's absurd.

    But if we put all those eggs and sperm together, we would have to ask them that question, too!  Seems ridiculous to me.

    I would support my mother, sister, daughter, neighbor or stranger alike to do what they feel like is best with their own bodies.  It is their decision.

  4. I know a girl who was physically abused by her parents, and she is adamantly pro-life.  I also know a girl who was almost aborted when her mom went in for a D&C not knowing she was pregnant- and she's pro-choice!

  5. I wasn't put "in the system" but I was adopted at an early age.  I can honestly say if my mother had chose abortion I would not have faulted her for that.  My mother was too poor and stupid to have even thought about abortion.  She was a kid.  Growing up knowing that your own parents were clueless and being adopted into another set of clueless parents wasn't great.  I'm sort of floundering.  For what I went through I think I'm doing o.k.  There have been times though when I just wish she would have had an abortion.  If you don't want a child and can't provide for one then for God's sake don't bring it into the world and expect someone else to look after it.  That doesn't always happen.  Sometimes we get adopted into hellish situations.

  6. I was in the states care for most of my childhood..I didnt mind.  I mean I wanted a better family but I was fine with out one.  However, had my mom had an abortion I would have never known so I guess I would be ok with it.  She definatly was in a position to have one...but she didnt.  So here I am 30 and well adjusted in life...and Im fine!  No abortion needed!  :)

  7. i dont....everything happened how it was supposed to and everyone has a specific thing to achieve ion life..cirumstances sucked *** but it al ended up working out off for the better

  8. I did not grow up in foster care, but have been a foster parent.  

    I believe that the best thing to do is to NOT GET PREGNANT if you are in a position where the child could go into foster care.  

    I fostered a group of kids that were numbers 8,9, and10 by their mother who lost custody of them through the system and by that time was on her THIRD set of kids to be removed from her care and she was only in her mid 20s.  She also had another child that was with the biological father instead of with her.  

    I think that some people should just not have children.  Period.  The answer is not to destroy a human life after it has been created, but prevent them from even getting pregnant in the first place!  Some people should just not be allowed to produce babies.

    I vote for chlorine in the gene pool...especially at the shallow end!


  9. I was in "the system" and I never thought I would have been better off aborted.  Living in a state home was rough.  I have scars still, mostly from my experience with biological parents, but I am thankful for the life I have now.  My life is good in spite of my rough beginnings and experience in the system.

    I'm really glad to be here.

  10. That questine is asinine that's the poor guy saying I wish I was born rich. It is abnormal. Try rephrasing perhaps you'll get a better response.

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