
Question for those who had it rough in school? ?

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Specifically, people who have been unpopular, outcasts, and bullied, how does it feel when you go on myspace or facebook and you see the same people who tormented you or at least didn't like you for whatever reason? Does you ever feel sad because they look like they still "have it" and people like them and your still where you're at?

I feel like that sometimes, I was bullied and one of the most unpopular kids in BOTH middle AND high school and just now I seen some faces on facebook and I'm like "wow I'm still a loser...". I thought things got better after high school, I'm a hard-working student, a generally nice person, I just seem to get the bad-side of people more often than not.

Anyone else feel that way?




  1. I was very unpopular but for some reason all the torment people dished out at me never bothered me and by year 12 people started being nicer to me, and I'd be nice to them etc :D But as long as I have a couple friends I'm fine and dandy :D

    hmm... doesn't make me sad at all to see the popular people still "having it" or whatever. I'm kinda friends with some of them now. But I think a lot of them are going to s***w themselves up with the constant drinking and drugs O_o. I've seen it happen, cause I grew up in that kind of environment. So I hope they make wise decisions and only do it every once in a while, and get their heads on straight.  

  2. I wasn't really what you would say was popular or unpopular. I was kind of in the middle. I choose who I felt were true frineds and I didn't care about the rest. Or what they thought about me. Most of them were fakes anyway and in realiity they were more misable then I could have ever been. Why? Because they spent most of their time having to figure out ways to stay popular. I see some of them now and their always wanting to talk like we were the best of friends. Truthfully I don't ever care now to talk to them. They now like to go to reunions just to see who done better then them or if they did better then you. It's all stupid and a waste of time. I stick with those that were friends and let the others worry about keeping up with each other.

  3. there are people who have contacted me to be their friend on facebook and i have rejected them

    they were never nice to me at school and i wouldnt have ever called them a friend

    i wasnt popular or un popular just a few people werent that nice to me

    some of them have done well for themselves but a couple havent.

    the girl who was the worst towards me has since school failed her Alevels twice, lost her parents to different cancers and married a guy who beats her....i wouldnt wish that on anyone, but she still isnt my friend.

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