
Question for those who have Presbyopia (Need reading glasses or progressives)?

by Guest56272  |  earlier

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You know how with progressives and reading glasses you can only see so close, like for me I can only read if something is about 8 inches away from my face. Well is it possible to get reading glasses to help you see very close, such as 2 or 3 inches away from your face? Can this be done with a very powerful prescription or is it impossible?




  1. why would you want to hold things so close?  the normal reading distance for presbyopia patients is around 40cm or 16 inches depending on arm length, your job, etc.

    to hold something 2 to 3 inches would be very tiring to your eyes because they would have to converge a great deal.  

    This can be done, if you are 50 years old try an over the counter pair of glasses with the power of 2.75 or 3.00.  take something to the store with you to read and try on some glasses and get what works best for you.  

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