
Question for those who have blepharitis and wear contacts?

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I have blepharitis and because of it I see double and halos and glare with contacts. Does anyone else have this problem? I heard that people with blepharitis can't wear contacts because they hurt but that is not the case for me, I just have double vision. I wear contacts anyway because I look better in contacts than glasses. What do you guys do to treat your blepharitis? Are you able to wear contacts? What kind of contacts do you wear? I have gone through many many brands and none seem to fix the problem of double vision.




  1. Try doin lid scrubs with johnson and johnson baby shampoo.  They also make ocusoft which is prepackaged lid scrub towlettes.  You may also need to take oral antibiotics if it bothers you that much.  Also may try Acuvue Oasys contacts they are great.

  2. Blepharitis can stem from a number of causes, but all will cause difficulty wearing contacts.  Of course, you'll need to treat the underlying cause of it before contact lens wear will be successful.  Initially, blepharitis may need an antibiotic/steriod  ointment treatment to get things under control.  The run-of-the-mill maintenance treatment (which you may have already done) then consists of lid scrubs, warm towel compresses, and artificial tears.  If it's bad enough, Doxycycline oral antibiotics may be a good option for you.  Homeopathically, you need to INCREASE things like water intake, Omega 3 fatty acid (fish oils, flax seed oil) intake, sleep, and exercise.  DECREASE stress, caffeine, Omega 6 intake (meats, cooking oils), stop smoking if you do, and try to watch your environments and stay away from dirty dusty places.  

    So, after getting your doc to treat your lid problems, I'd stick with Dailies for contacts.  They're a little more expensive but also the best for allergy/dry eye/bleph trouble patients.  I'd start with the Acuvue 1 Day Moist 9.0's, depending on your eye shape.  

    But, see your doc for the final treatment decision.  If it's been a big problem, see if he/she agrees with a Doxycycline regimen for you.  I've treated many tough cases successfully with that

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